Home Tour with Niels Stroyer Christophersen in Copenhagen
We are excited to share our second story for our new series of home tours with you guys today! Have a look at the stunning home of our friend Niels Stroyer Christophersen, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Niels is the founder of one of our all time favorite brands Frama Cph. We met Niels almost 3 years ago and only a few month later he had the idea to work on our book collaboration Dialogues together. Find out all about Niels in the interview and have a look in this unique Copenhagen apartment.
Hi Niels, please introduce yourself :
Niels Strøyer Christophersen Founder and Creative director at Frama. Live in Copenhagen, Østerbro. Apartment, 125m2 that use to be an old watchmaker store and was an important location in the tv series from 1970 ties by Leif Panduro called “Spiser de Østers” = do you like oyster” 
In which room do you spend most of your time?
I guess in my bedroom since im sleeping in there hahaLOL. I’m moving around quite a lot in the apartment and depends on my mood, the season, with friends or just on my own – each room has its characters and reasons to hang out in. Especially my two living room areas are changing quite a lot- since im trying out new solutions and like that the rooms are rather flexible. Sometimes i do random installations, objects or just new compositions with different furniture pieces. My bedroom is the most static space of the house and I really feel relaxed once im entering my bedroom. Also the room can’t change that much so it automatically becomes more fixed and permanent. 
What’s your favorite oldest interior piece and what’s your favorite latest purchase?
I have small wooden “bird” sculpted made by my father when he was a very young man. I really appreciate this because of its history of course but also the simplicity behind it. That it evokes some creativity in me and that its not is so obviously a bird sculpture. My favourite last purchase is probably a very large but very cheap non-branded rice paper ceiling lamp in diameter 90cm. Its not even connected but simply hanging in the space as a floating form.
How would your dream living situation look like?
I’m very close… i’m a pretty humble person and appreciate the simple things in life. I would appreciate a low-tech basic house in the nature but its just a matter of time. In this case i would love to invite friends, colleagues and family up. I would have lots of bunk beds in order to house as many as possible

What’s your favorite book or which book do you read at the moment?
I was visiting South Korea in Autumn 2017 and on my way out at a larger contemporary gallery i noticed two small books in the reception. The books were basically talking to me and I immediately asked the staff at the desk if i could buy one of each book. They almost panicked and had no clue about the price and seemed quite surprised that anybody was interested in those books. After quite some struggling with the staff and managers i succeeded in getting the books and headed to the Korean Furniture Museum. The two books are both written by the Japanese Architect Shigeru Uchida born in 1943. The books are from 2007/9 and talks about architecture and interior design in a quite abstract ways and with a very timeless direction to the subjects such as time, space, memory, nature and culture. Its main aspect of both books is about how the world is changing from being human to non-human and how humans have been loosing the relationship with nature.
Does Art play a role in your life?
It depends what you define as art.. I believe life is art and everyday should be part of a bigger art pieces. The nature is the most valuable and unique art we have and also free to enjoy. I dont believe in commercial art and the art business. I appreciate artist work and the different movements but as every other industri there is “products” that are victims of the indentry. And art for the sake of the art business and art created from real reasons.
If someone would gift you a second flat or house where would it be?
Probably somewhere on the countryside to Rome in Italy. I like the idea that its rather close to Copenhagen and weather is decent all year round because of the equator placement.
Would you tell us a few of your favorite design shops?
I really like Yeaca stores in Japan.. they have three shops and one of them is a house with combined vintage, apparel and pastries. The second one is located on second floor with very little signage and with apparel and accessories goods. I also like to visit Murkurdis in Berlin because they are really true to their concept and the founder and owner Andreas is very passionated and dedicated.
Which interior piece do you want to buy soon?
Actually im more into selling some of my stuff before considering buying more.. But i might buy myself a daybed for guest to stay over instead of making a bed out of my couch. 😉

What’s your next travel destination?
I’m visiting Hamburg, Berlin and Paris within the next couple of weeks. And I 
just got back from a longer Asia tour visiting Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei and Hong Kong. We experience great feed back on our brand from those countries. Also Germany is becoming one of our most interesting markets and we have a partnerstore opening very soon in Hamburg and we are working closely with Murkudis in Berlin. We might set up something after summer in the outskirts of Munich. Over the summer we are finishing an interior project for the renown chef Enrique Olvera and as well opening a studio partner apartment space in Mexico City called IMA. So I’ll probably be visiting this part of the world very soon also.
What’s your all time favorite travel destination?
It used to be Paris but at the moment im not sure..
What’s your favorite music/song at the moment?
I really enjoy the old swedish jazz musician Jan Johansson and of contemporary music I listen to Grandbrothers for instance.
If someone visits Copenhagen for the first time, which places would you recommend to go to?
Definitely the Frama Studio Space hahaLOL
No I always recommend the Davids Collection close by our space.. Also the design museum and the library of theirs is quite amazing. Also take a walk around the museum inside the park and outside the building as well. A walk to Kings Garden towards Statens Museum for Kunst is nice and then head to the Hirchsprungske Collection and from here to the Geologiske museum through the small gate and then up hill to the Observatorium and from here you are entering the Botanic Garden. Find a quiet bench and enjoy the smells, sounds, light, air and general feel. You can visit the small shop towards nørreport where they sell nice posters and other gifts.
Tell us 3 of your favorite Instagram accounts:
I like the_empty_apartment which is a friend of mine. Lina is very passionated and nerdy about Scandinavian vintage design and collects pieces and convey about these stories and classics. Another account is auktionstipset which is recommending different pieces seen on different auction platforms. A third account is my friend and photographer Nastassia Bruckin. We used her images in our Apothecary campaign. Her account was recently deleted by Instagram of some reason but now she is back on track again. Her images have a great energy and soul and has this LA vibe that we dont really have in Copenhagen / Northern Europe.

dragana May 07, 2018
seinen Laden durfte ich bereits kennenlernen, aber das er auch so cool wohnt.... schmacht. I love it. Jedes Detail ist mega schön, ob die unverputzten Wände, der Boden in Kombination mit den modernen Lampen. Eine Traumwohnung in Copenhagen.
Our food stories - May 07, 2018
Tausend Dank Dir für die schönen Worte liebe Dragana! Oh ja, die Wohnung ist wirklich fantastisch <3
Lea May 08, 2018
I have to say this is the most beautiful apartment I have ever seen!! The wall is just perfect and all the interior details are awesome and very special!! The apartment looks very classy and modern. You made a great job by capturing it, thanks for sharing! 💖👍
Our food stories - May 08, 2018
Thanks a lot for your lovely words dear Lea <3
Mauricio May 08, 2018
Amazing pictures guys! Loved the portraits too! Great work! x
Our food stories - May 08, 2018
Thanks a lot Mauricio!!
Linh Nguyen May 10, 2018
I love love LOVE this house tour series. The interviews are great and the pictures so beautiful. I found so much inspiration here both lifestyle and aesthetics wise. Look forward to see more coming.
Our food stories - May 11, 2018
Thanks so much for your lovely comment, so happy to read that <3