Creamy Mushroom Soup with Roasted Brussel Sprout Orange Skewers
Today we want to share a delicious mushroom soup recipe with you guys!
But first of all: as we are celebrating the first sunday in advent today we would like to surprise you guys with a little present!
We teamed up with the great linen company lovely linen again and they are giving away one table cloth and 6 napkins of your choice to one lucky winner, so your christmas table will look super festive! All you have to do is:
-comment this post
-follow lovely linen on Instagram
The give-away is worldwide and ends on the 08th of December. Lovely Linen will contact one lucky winner the day after. Good luck guys!
Last week Nora made this very delicious and creamy mushroom soup with roasted brussel sprouts. The brussel sprouts are roasted with an orange-ginger marinade and are the perfect match with the mushroom soup! We definitely will serve this soup as a starter on christmas eve, as it was so delicious. We hope you guys will enjoy it too! Have a wonderful and cozy sunday.

Creamy Mushroom Soup with Roasted Brussel Sprout Orange Skewers
Ingredients for 6 Persons (as starter)
Creamy Mushroom Soup
- 300g mushrooms (we took champignons)
- 20g dried porcini mushrooms (plus 250ml water)
- 3 potatoes
- 1 large onion
- 15g ginger, finely grated
- 2-3 garlic cloves, finely grated or pressed
- 200ml coconut milk
- 500ml vegetable broth
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp honey or sugar
- 1 pinch fresh nutmeg
- 1 lemon
- salt
- pepper
Roasted Brussel Sprout Orange Skewers
- 6 skewers
- 30 brussel sprouts (or a few more – just in case)
- 1 organic orange
- 10g ginger, finely grated
- 2 garlic cloves, finely grated or pressed
- 2 tbsp honey, liquid
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 pinch salt
- 3-4 rosemary sprigs
- 1-2 tbsp sesame seeds
- 3-4 mushrooms (we took champignons)
- 200g yogurt (we served goat yogurt, but any other yogurt will do as well)
- 1-2 lemon
- 6 thyme sprigs
Let the dried mushrooms infuse in the 250ml water for 10 minutes. Peel and dice the potatoes, then clean the champignons and cut in slices. Peel and chop the onion, fry a minute in 2 tbsp olive oil, then add the champignons and potatoes and fry for 2 more minutes. Afterwards deglaze with the coconut milk and vegetable broth – and add the soaked mushrooms together with the 250ml water. Add the ginger and garlic as well and cook the soup for 15 minutes. In the end flavor with the nutmeg and honey and blend in the mixer to a creamy soup. If the soup is a bit too thick, add more water. Fill the creamy mushroom soup back to the pot and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Prepare the brussel sprout skewers: preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F top and bottom heat. Rinse the organic orange under hot water, pat dry and zest the orange, then juice it (75-100ml juice). Mix a marinade out of orange juice, orange zest, ginger, garlic, honey, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Cook the marinade for a few minutes until it thickens. Clean and wash the brussel sprouts, then put 5 brussel sprouts on each skewer. Place the skewers on a baking dish, brush the brussel sprouts with the marinade and spread the rosemary sprigs beside. Roast the brussel sprout orange skewers for 20-30 minutes (timing depends on the size of the brussel sprouts), and brush 2-3 times with the marinade during the roasting. Now clean the mushrooms for the topping, cut in slices and fry for 2 minutes in 1 tbsp olive oil. Fill the warmed up soup in soup plates or bowls, spread a few blots of yogurt on the surface, then draw decorative circles with a skewer or knife, add a brussel sprout skewer to each bowl and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Place 2 fried mushroom slices to each bowl and top with fresh thyme leaves and pepper. In addition you can serve lemon slices and crispy toasted baguette.

German Translation
Heute wollen wir ein köstliches Pilzsuppen Rezept mit Euch teilen! Aber zu als erstes zu etwas anderem: zur Feier des ersten Advents haben wir eine kleine Überraschung für Euch.Wir haben uns wieder mit der tollen Firma lovely linen zusammengetan und haben eine Leinentischdecke und 6 Leinenservietten nach Wahl für einen glücklichen Gewinner. Alles was Ihr tun müsst ist:
-diesen Post zu kommentieren
– Lovely Linen auf Instagram folgen
Das Give-Away ist weltweit und endet am 08. Dezember. Lovely Linen kontaktiert den glücklichen Gewinner am nächsten Tag. Viel Glück Ihr Lieben!
Und jetzt aber zur köstlichen Pilzcreme Suppe! Letzte Woche hat Nora dieses leckere Rezept entwickelt und wir sind uns jetzt schon sicher, dass dies die Vorspeise zum Weihnachtsschmaus wird. Die Pilzsuppe ist wirklich wunderbar cremig und die gerösteten Rosenkohlspieße mit einer Orangen-Ingwer Marinade schmecken hervorragend dazu. Lasst es Euch schmecken Ihr Lieben und habt noch einen schönen Adventssonntag!

Pilz-Creme-Suppe mit gerösteten Rosenkohl-Orangen-Spießen
Zutaten für 6 Personen (als Vorspeise)
- 300g Champignons
- 20g getrocknete Steinpilze (plus 250ml Wasser)
- 3 Kartoffeln
- 1 große Ziebel
- 15g Ingwer, fein geraspelt
- 2-3 Knoblauchzehen, fein geraspelt oder gepresst
- 200ml Kokosmilch o.ä.
- 500ml Gemüsebrühe
- 2 EL Olivenöl
- 1 EL Honig oder Zucker
- 1 Prise frisch geriebener Muskat
- 1 Zitrone
- Salz
- Pfeffer
Geröstete Rosenkohl-Orangen-Spieße
- 6 Holzspieße
- 30 Rosenkohle (oder ein paar mehr zur Sicherheit)
- 1 Bio-Orange
- 10g Ingwer, fein geraspelt
- 2 Knoblauchzehen, fein geraspelt oder gepresst
- 2 EL Honig, flüssig
- 3 EL Olivenöl
- 1 Prise Salz
- 3-4 Rosmarinzweige
- 1-2 EL Sesam
- 3-4 Champignons
- 200g Joghurt (wir haben Ziegenjoghurt verwendet, aber alles andere geht natürlich auch)
- 1-2 Zitrone
- 6 Zweige frischer Thymian
Die getrockneten Pilze 10 Minuten in 250ml Wasser einweichen. Die Kartoffeln schälen, in kleinere Würfel schneiden, dann die Champignons putzen, in Scheiben schneiden. Die Zwiebel schälen und fein hacken, dann in 2 EL Olivenöl anschwitzen, kurz danach die Champignons und Kartoffeln hinzufügen und kräftig anrösten. Anschließend mit Kokosmilch und Gemüsebrühe ablöschen und die eingeweichten Pilze zusammen mit dem Wasser, Ingwer und Knoblauch hinzufügen. Suppe aufkochen und für 15 Minuten köcheln lassen. Zum Schluß mit Muskat und dem Honig würzen und im Hochleistungsmixer cremig pürieren. Falls die Pilz-Suppe noch zu dickflüssig ist, etwas Wasser hinzufügen. Die Suppe zurück in den Topf füllen und mit Salz, Pfeffer und Zitronensaft abschmecken. Nun die Rosenkohl-Spieße vorbereiten: Ofen auf 200°C Ober-und Unterhitze vorheizen. Die Bio-Orange heiß abspülen, abtrocknen, Zesten reißen, dann pressen (75-100ml Saft). Den Orangensaft mit den Zesten, dem Ingwer, Knoblauch, Honig, Olivenöl und einer Prise Salz zu einer Marinade verrühren. Marinade ein paar Minuten einköcheln lassen, sodass sie dickflüssiger wird. Den Rosenkohl putzen und waschen, dann 5 Rosenkohle auf jeden Spieß stecken. Rosenkohl-Spieße auf eine Auflaufform legen, mit Marinade bestreichen und Rosmarin dazulegen, dann für 20-30 backen (je nach Größe des Rosenkohls), während des Backens 2-3 mal erneut mit Marinade bestreichen. Die Champignons für das Topping putzen, in Scheiben schneiden und in 1 EL Olivenöl anbraten. Die aufgewärmte Suppe in Schüssel oder tiefe Teller füllen, ein paar Kleckse Joghurt auf der Supper verteilen und mit einem Holzspieß oder einer Messerspitze dekorative Kreise ziehen, dann einen Rosenkohl-Spieß dazulegen und mit Sesam toppen, die Pilz-Creme-Suppe mit jeweils 2 Champignon-Scheiben, frischem Thymian und Pfeffer bestreuen. Dazu frische Zitrone servieren – gut dazu passt kross getoastetes Baguette.

Miezi Dec 01, 2019
Das Rezept klingt wunderbar! Ich glaube, ich versuche mich mal daran 😻
Natalie Dec 01, 2019
Liebe Nora, liebe Laura,
ich liebe eure Fotos so so sehr. Und ich hätte jetzt unfassbar gerne eine dampfende Schale dieser wunderbar aussehenden Suppe diekt an meinen Schreibtisch gebeamt.
Ich habe schon eine endlos lange Lovelylinen-Wunschliste, die ich nie in die Realität umsetzen konnte bislang, weil ich mich nicht für die jeweiligen Farben der Kleidungsstücke/Tischwäsche entscheiden kann. Uah, aber es würde mir beim Gewinn bestimmt gelingen :)
Herzzliche Grüße an euch
)eannie )oseph - Dec 01, 2021
How deliciously beautiful is this table🎄
Lucia Dec 01, 2019
Love this atmosphere, and I sure that the soup is super tasty!
Eva Dec 01, 2019
Oh what a gorgeous prize! I would love to have some new table linnens for the dinners that I often host for friends. I’m still using a big chuck of fabric I bought per meter at a market here in Berlin and that could definitely use an upgrade ;)
Arderighi Megane Dec 01, 2019
The soup looks really good ! And I love this tablecloth !! Cross fingers 🙌🏻
Evelien Dec 01, 2019
Wow beautiful setting would be magical to sit at that table. The soup look so good made me hungry.
Johanna Rasche Dec 01, 2019
Hallo und schönen ersten Advent!
Das sieht Mal wieder super lecker aus und ich würde mich auch sehr über so einen tollen Gewinn freuen, der sich an Weihnachten gut auf dem Tisch machen würde :)
Alles liebe,
Eva Dec 01, 2019
Absolutely in love with these vibes!!
Jennifer Dec 01, 2019
So beautiful! Feels like being in a pine forest which I adore. And the candle hoops are magical!
Chan Dec 01, 2019
Omg love the linens and the scenes you all styled. The dish sound lovely also.
Becky Dec 01, 2019
This is absolutely stunning! I’m so inspired by your work - just wow! I love linen and would be so excited to put some new linens to good use in some photos this winter! 💛💛💛
Cassidy Dec 01, 2019
Such a lovely tablescape, and the soup looks delicious!
Sanja Dec 01, 2019
The soup looks so yummy - will def try it soon!
Saskia Dec 01, 2019
Sounds like a perfect Advent recipe!👌🌟🕯️Best, Saskia
Joanna Lee Dec 01, 2019
gorgeous holiday scheme that is complemented by the mood created by honey dishes and the cozy colors! Thank you!
Iris Dec 01, 2019
Wieder mal wunderschön, alles passt!!
Rebecca Dec 01, 2019
Tolles Rezept. Das probier ich nächste Woche direkt mal aus. Schönen 1. Advent!
Annelore Evers Dec 01, 2019
This is just beautiful. The food looks delicious, the table looks beautiful and what a great pictures! I would love to create this feeling of happiness for the first holiday season in my new apartment!
m. aimee tan Dec 01, 2019
Iam transported to a small christmas village with this setup! what a gorgeous and cozy feast you are having! Love how you arrange and style your table. Iam madly in love with that linen too, the touch of texture and rustic makes the soup pops up even more! Happy advent to the both of you. Wishing you a wonderful month leading to Christmas!
Sarah Scott Dec 01, 2019
I cannot wait to make this delicious soup! So great for warming up winter chills ❄️ The table setting is absolutely beautiful!
Rachel Forrer Dec 01, 2019
Absolutely gorgeous! So inspired by the hanging candle installation!
Esther Dec 01, 2019
Stunning photos as always. Would love a gorgeous linen set for the Christmas table... beautiful! 🤞🏻
Noora Dec 01, 2019
All the textures and colors..🖤 Everything is so beautiful
Anne Lin Dec 01, 2019
This recipe sounds delicious and the setting is beautiful! I bought myself an immersion blender this weekend, so this looks like the perfect first recipe.
Trude Fosseide Dec 01, 2019
I just have to say that I just absolutely love that Green coulor, stunning😍
Soleil Dec 01, 2019
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich auf Deutsch schreiben kann, aber genau diese tischdeko brauche ich und werde ich als Vorlage nehmen, ich würde mich sehr über diesen Gewinn freuen !
Lauren P Dec 01, 2019
These are the only things that make me want to host for the holidays; real good, out of the ordinary recipes, and cozy rustic decor...!
Lula_n_Crush Dec 01, 2019
Sounds delicious
Agnieszka Dec 01, 2019
I don't know what I'm more happy about- your new photos or linen givaway! Both are great. And both I discovered this year, that's a nice coincidence ;)
I love that linen is so simple yet elegant piece of decor, that suits every place and always gives a feeling of warm, cozy and and homy place. It can completely change a room!
I'm trying to have more and more linen things at my place, and I also want to keep it later for my kids. That idea really makes me happy, and I strongly believe that linen will last this long! <3
(And now I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win my first ever giveawa, with the most amazing company ever!) Best regards from Poland :)
Mackenzie Dec 01, 2019
Yum! This sounds delicious. In the colder months my favorite things to eat are mushrooms because they're good for the immune system, and immune system health. Can't wait to try!
Joni Dec 01, 2019
Such a gorgeous photo shoot!
The colors soothe the soul!
Marg Dods Dec 01, 2019
Stunning these photos are, subtle light and colours creating such an evocative setting. The natural textures of linen enhance this to the best I feel. Thank you for the post , I can't wait to follow from NZ, I just bought linen sheets yesterday and can't wait to use them for the summer.
Zania Koppe Dec 01, 2019
Lovely pictures and recipes as always and wonderful giveaway - something for our new home perhaps :)
Marg D Dec 01, 2019
What stunning photos you have created...the beautiful subtle light and colours enhance the atmosphere, the natural texture of the linen definitely adds to it all. I love linen and yesterday bought myself my first set of linen sheets, I can't wait to use them for our summer here in NZ. Thanks for posting
Deborah Dec 01, 2019
Stepping into a woodland
Like thousands flames and yet
Cold as gold.
In this forest, no two dishes are alike
No two guests can live the same experience
For as it is alive
And burning
And evolving
Evoking distant memories of of Ice and Fire.
Judith Dec 01, 2019
Was für ein schönes Gewinnspiel! Ich wünsche mir schon so lange eine Leinentischdecke mit den passenden Servietten.
Eure Bilder sind traumhaft und die Suppe sieht dicht köstlich aus, so hübsch dekoriert.
Ich wünsche euch einen wunderbaren 1. Advent! Alles Liebe, Judith
Simone Dec 01, 2019
Gesh... I just love the style and mood of your tableware and the texture of linen is just stunning! I'd be over the moon if i would win the prize!
Ophelie Dec 01, 2019
An amazing table, inspiring for sure like every table you create.
Eliana Dec 01, 2019
Oh my looks gorgeous and delicious!
Debra smith Dec 01, 2019
I love your blog I have been following you for years. I would like to register to win the incredible green tablecloth. Happy holidays.
Julia Dec 01, 2019
Ich unterschätze Rosenkohl!!
Stephanie Dec 01, 2019
Diese Bilder... immer wieder sooo wunderbar anzuschauen 😍
Margarethe Dec 01, 2019
Mushroom soup! Das hört sich so unglaublich lecker an. Ich liebe Pilze jeglicher Art. Muss ich unbedingt mal nachkochen.
Agata Dec 01, 2019
So lecker, so schön :-)))
Alex Dec 01, 2019
So beautiful, perfect! My Christmas inspiration this year is an enchanted garden. These linens would be magical! Your feed is wonderful, always stunning. X
Elke Dec 02, 2019
Das sind unfassbar schöne Bilder mit unfassbar schönem grünem Leinen. Da möchte man sich direkt an den Tisch setzen und diese leckere Suppe essen. Grosses Kompliment!!! Von vorne bis hinten einfach toll 🥰.
Liebe Grüsse und eine schöne Adventszeit wünsche ich Euch!
Daria Dec 02, 2019
Wow all your post and pics are amazing 😍😍😍
Ingrid Dec 02, 2019
Absolutely great !
A nice discovery from your site/blog. And right in time for the holidays
Eva Beeusaert Dec 02, 2019
Not only the food but also the table linen looks delicious 😍😍 would love to win and set my table like this on Christmas eve!
Xxx Eva
Nina Dec 02, 2019
Beautiful . Totally in love with linen.
Suzy Dec 02, 2019
Lovely set up! Linen is such a great material. We just switched to linen sheets and will never go back ♥️
Edurne Dec 02, 2019
If you have chosen https://lovelylinen.com.de/, for me it´s a must have.
Exquisite lay out, deco and recipe, as always <3
Veronika Dec 02, 2019
Sowohl Suppe als auch der Tisch sehen super aus!
Natasha Gush Dec 02, 2019
There's nothing about this that isn't perfect - like everything you do! You've even made brussel sprouts look good enough to eat! (from a non sprout eater that's good going!)
Heidi Hallingstad Dec 02, 2019
Such a great GiveAway - would love to win this beautiful linen table cloth! And fantastic photos as always :)
Elina Keltto Dec 02, 2019
✨🥨✨ 🍎✨Magical ✨🎄✨❤️
Would be such a delight to set our Xmas table with these lovelies ✨✨✨✨✨
Elina Keltto Dec 02, 2019
Would be a delight to set our Xmas table with these lovelies ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Nina Dec 02, 2019
This Christmas table is absolutely wonderful ! I wish I could create the same atmosphere, it looks so warm and welcoming. Your candle holders are gorgeous, and so is the tablecloth of course. As for the recipe, mushroom soup is a favourite of mine but I never tried it with coconut milk. I'll have to make it !
Lucy Dec 02, 2019
These photos are beyond gorgeous! ❤️❤️❤️
Galina Koh Dec 02, 2019
I love the idea of using Brussel sprouts on skewers! These linens and dishes look very beautiful. Eye candy styling, as always! Happy start of Advent!
Mandy Dec 02, 2019
I wish I could live in this picture forever. It’s the perfect amount of cozy and chic and that mushroom soup looks divine! Linen table settings are my favorite to use too because they are so lived-in and inviting. I can’t wait to make this dish and have our neighbors over to enjoy. (Oh! And where are those hanging candle stick rings from?!)
Cara Cormack Dec 02, 2019
This is absolutely breathtaking as your work always is. The red and green make it so festive, I love it!
C Sully Dec 03, 2019
I love the color of the linen tablecloth! So lovely!
Rike Dec 05, 2019
Schöner könnte Advent nicht sein ❤️💚 Würde zu gerne gewinnen!
Lara Dec 05, 2019
Delicious and absolutely wonderful 🌿❤️
Lauryn Schrock Dec 05, 2019
I will be trying this soup this holiday season. IT LOOKS STUNNING! The table and aesthetics are incredible. Honestly, they are a work of art.
Karin Beijer Dec 05, 2019
The linen looks gorgeous. The dark green slightly rough texture creates such a nice contrast to the tableware and glasses. The conifer branches and red berries just add the perfect Christmas touch. The soup looks yummy and the sprouts wth orange glaze is an innovative addition. I will definitely cook this dish for advent dinner with friends.
Hallie Dec 05, 2019
Wow... such a gorgeously presented soup- love the skewered Brussels overtop! Can’t wait to try this one! And those linens.. need to invest in some, they are truly stunning!!
Barbara Dec 05, 2019
I just love linen so much! Such a wonderful gift!
Elaine Dec 05, 2019
Your work is amazingly beautiful!! Love the linen - deep earthy greens and moody colors are my favorites, spreading a comfortable but magical feeling.
Soup looks delicious and perfect for cold and frosty days.
Sarah Dec 05, 2019
What a lovely table! I love mushroom soup too - perfect for a cold night. :)
Iris Wagner Dec 06, 2019
Ich liebe eure Fotos! Phantastisches Licht. Wunderbare Rezepte. Einzigartiges Styling 🖤👌🏻
Dhruv Chad Dec 07, 2019
Lovely photos. Delicious looking soup I definitely will try. Lovely linen. Enough said.
Anastasia Dec 08, 2019
Just received my first order from Lovely linen and i deff wouldn't mid to get more linen for my projects and home! :)
By the way, beautiful set up and the soup looks delish! x
Lorena González Rodríguez Dec 08, 2019
I'm going to try the recipe very soon, it looks delicious!
Lorena González Rodríguez Dec 08, 2019
I'm going to try the recipe as soon as I can, it looks delicious!
Palesa Dec 09, 2019
Love love love
Friederike Feldmann Dec 10, 2019
mit einfachen Zutaten, eine geniale Vorspeise
Charlotte Dubery Dec 02, 2021
Wow oh my goodness! Your food and styling are so inspiring! I cannot wait to try this soup - I’ve cooked many of your recipes and they’ve been absolutely delicious. Thank you and happy December 1st :)
susan tordon Dec 03, 2021
What a yummy looking soup. Your pictures are always SO inviting and paired with the lovely linen, it is a feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds! Congratulations on jobs well done.
Alina Dec 02, 2022
Klingt super, muss probiert werden. Hab es mir sofort gespeichert 🖤✨