Copenhagen Harbour Gathering + a Give Away of our Book ‘Dialogues’
We started to take the first photos for our book project "Dialogues" in collaboration with Frama Cph, more than 2 years ago now. Many photos have been taken since them, so many, that a lot of them haven't made it in the book. So today we want to share one of our favorite series, shot in a small harbour in Copenhagen, that has been unpublished so far.
Only two pictures of this series, have made in the book. We had just so much material, that of course it wasn’t possible to print it all, not even our favorite selection. So we are more than happy to show you this favorite series of ours on the blog today. Also we would love to give-away one of our books to one of you guys, but more on that later.
Before we found this lovely dock, located in a small harbour in Copenhagen, we spent a whole day finding it. Niels and Cassie from Frama Cph and Nora and I have been driving in and around Copenhagen for a day, looking at many lovely spots, but nothing really matched with our imaginings. One of the simple reasons why we love Copenhagen and Denmark in general, is that it’s so close to the sea. So after a day of looking at several spots we just told Niels: we want a location close to the water and ideally it’s a little bit rough and not a spot with many people, so we could concentrate on the shoot. The last location we visited that day was this beautiful little harbor and it had it all! So this was it.
The next day we came again with some props from Frama (the beautiful table, of course some adam stools and Frama’s beautiful tableware) and prepared everything for the shooting. The sun was shining and it was a wonderful summerday. Almost no one else was there and we still couldn’t believe, that we found that gorgeous spot. Nora prepared a delicious gluten-free quiche with summer vegetables and a coconut panna cotta with rose syrup infused apricot-peach compote, both recipes you can find in the book of course. After the shooting we went to Niels flat, where we just made some ingredient shots of the two recipes, in his beautiful kitchen.
It’s crazy how time is flying and we still can’t believe how much time has passed since we made the first pictures for this book and that we really hold it in our hands now. If you want to read more about the book, make sure to check out this post from the launch in Copenhagen, were we explain the whole concept.
We are so thankful for all your support and all your mails and personal messages and congratulations wishes on instagram. To give you something back, we would love to give-away one copy of the book today. The give-away is worldwide and all you have to do is comment this blogpost and tell us why you would love to win the book. The give-away is open until we publish our next post on sunday, were we will announce the winner (and contact her or him via mail afterwards). Good luck guys and thank you so much for your ongoing support!
German Translation
Die ersten Fotos für unser Buch-Projekt ‘Dialogues’, dass in Kooperation mit Frama Cph entstanden ist, haben wir bereits vor mehr als 2 Jahren aufgenommen. Seitdem sind viele weiter Fotos für das Buch entstanden, so viele, dass die Hälfte gar nicht gedruckt werden konnte. Wir freuen uns also sehr, heute einige bisher unveröffentlichte Bilder mit Euch zu teilen, und zwar von unserem Lieblingsshooting in einem kleinen, charmanten Hafen in Kopenhagen.
Gerade mal zwei Bilder dieser Serie haben es ins Buch geschafft, wir hatten einfach zu viel Material, sodass nicht mal unsere endgültige Auswahl geprintet werden konnte. Aber umso schöner ist es natürlich im Nachhinein auch hier Bilder von diesem Projekt mit Euch zu teilen und außerdem wollen wir heute ein Exemplar des Buchs verlosen, aber dazu später mehr!
Bevor wir dieses schönen Steg gefunden haben, haben wir erstmal einen Tag damit verbracht, ihn zu suchen. Niels und Cassie von Frama und Nora und Ich sind einen Tag in und um Kopenhagen unterwegs gewesen und haben uns viele schöne Orte angesehen. Aber irgendwie hat nichts so richtig unseren Vorstellungen entsprochen. Einer der einfachen Gründe, weshalb wir Kopenhagen und generell auch Dänemark so lieben, ist die Nähe zum Wasser. Also haben wir zu Niels gesagt: am besten wir finden einen Ort am Wasser! Einen Ort wo das Wasser wirklich präsent ist, am besten etwas rough und im Idealfall ohne viel Publikum, sodass man sich voll und ganz auf das Shooting konzentrieren kann. Die letzte Location die Niels uns dann an diesem Tag gezeigt hat, war dieser kleine Hafen – und der hatte alles was wir uns nur erträumt hatten. Wo kann das Wasser präsenter sein, als am Hafen, am Meer. Wo man es nicht nur sehen und riechen kann, sondern auch durch die aneinanderklappernden Bootsmasten förmlich hören und fühlen kann?! Wir waren mehr als glücklich und kamen am nächsten Tag mit allerlei Frama Zuberhör im Gepäck, wieder zum Shooting.
Die Sonne schien den ganzen Tag und es war einfach ein herrlicher Sommertag. Wir waren so gut wie die Einzigen auf dem kleinen Hafen-Areal und konnten unsere Glück kaum fassen. Nora hatte eine köstliche glutenfreie Quiche mit sommerlichem Gemüse vorbereitet und außerdem ein Kokos-Panna-Cotta mit Aprikosen-Pfirsich-Rosen-Kompott. Und beide Rezepte gibt’s natürlich im Buch. Nach dem Shooting und vor allem, nachdem wir die Szenerie und das köstliche Essen genossen hatten, sind wir noch zu Niels nach Hause gegangen und haben in seiner charmanten Küche einige der Zutaten fotografiert.
Es ist wirklich verrückt, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht – wir können es immer nocht nicht ganz glauben, dass wir das fertige Buch jetzt wirklich in den Händen halten. Wenn Ihr mehr über das Buch erfahren wollt, schaut Euch unbedingt diesen Post vom Launch Event in Kopenhagen an und im Frama Online Shop könnt Ihr das Buch bestellen.
Wir sind so unglaublich dankbar für all Eure Unterstützung und all die liebevollen Nachrichten und Glückwünsche, die uns via Mail und Instagram erreicht haben. Ihr seid die Besten!! Und um Euch etwas zurückzugeben, verlosen wir heute ein Buch an Euch! Alles was Ihr tun müsst, ist diesen Post zu kommentieren und uns zu sagen, warum Ihr gern ein Buch gewinnen würdet. Das Give-Away läuft bis nächsten Sonntag. Wir werden die Gewinnerin oder den Gewinner in unserem nächsten Sonntagspost verkünden und anschließend via Mail benachrichtigen. Viel Glück Ihr Lieben und nochmals tausend Dank für Eure wunderbare Unterstützung!
Nicolina Jul 02, 2017
Such gorgeous photos! Just as always :) I've been been admiring your photographs, and drooling over your recipes, since I first came across your account on Instagram and your blog.
I am moving to a new place in a few weeks and 'Dialogues' would be the perfect match to it, not to mention a gorgeous book to have on the coffee table. Also, on the plus side, I wouldn't have to wait for it to be the perfect birthday present come late December.
Fingers crossed!
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Dear Nicolina,
thanks a lot for your lovely words, so happy to read that <3
Annisa Frankes-Purwanto Jul 02, 2017
Beautiful shots! I'd love to win the book because I admire your works very much. A lot of your styling and photo compositions remind me of the classic still-life paintings from the golden age. People said that we eat with our eyes first, and you clearly done that. Last but not least, the feeling of togetherness. The other artists might be able to produce their own beautiful pictures, but yours have that sense of warmth and familiarity that keeps me coming back.
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Oh what a wonderful compliment that is dear Annisa! Put a big smile on our face! Thanks a lot <3
Mafer Jul 02, 2017
Hi! My names is mafee I'm from Venezuela, I would love to have a copie of you en book!
We can't find nothing like this here 💗
My Instagram account is @vainilla
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Thank you for participating and good luck :)
Ksenia Tokmakova Jul 02, 2017
I've been friends with Frama guys for a while now and have always been following their steps with each and every project they were involved in, and Dialogs is not an exception. So pleased and proud of you both to see and touch this book as a result of a long-awaited and so filled-with-love collaboration of two merging minds and crafts <3
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Ohh thanks a lot for your wonderful words dear Ksenia <3
Veera Jul 02, 2017
I love your pictures and would love to see them printed. :)
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
So happy to read that, thank you Veera <3
Lisa Jul 02, 2017
I have been in love with you since I discovered your work on Instagram. I would love to win this book because I have been inspired by the many beautiful recipes I can actually eat (with all my food allergies). After almost 5 years of living abroad & being in transition, I'm planning to move into my own space in a month and I'm very much looking forward to having friends and family over to be fed. Creating food stories of my own with loved ones. Keep up the awesome work! LTL
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Thanks a lot sweet Lisa!! We wish you a lovely new home and good luck for the give-away<3
Alicia Jul 02, 2017
The colours, subject matter and places in your posts have always inspired me and allowed me to have a little window into your paradise. They help me appreciate daily living and the little things that I've been privileged to have.
'Dialogues' would be the perfect companion to this period in my life as I reconnect with loved ones and learn to be open to meeting new people at new places through crafting, baking and doing things that we love together.
Thank you for this opportunity. Cheers.
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
So happy to read your wonderful words and so happy to read that we inspired you!! Thanks a lot Alicia <3
Jutta Jul 02, 2017
Meine Lieben,
ich möchte das Buch gewinnen, weil es für mich sowohl eine kulinarische als auch eine fotografische Inspiration ist.
Eure "erzählenden" Photos animieren dazu, Gäste einzuladen oder sich selbst als Gast am Tisch zu bewirten.
Es würde es gut bei mir haben und neben "Herzlich willkommen" von Stefanie Luxat stehen, zu dem Ihr ja auch beigetragen habt...
Herzliche Grüße
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Danke Dir so sehr für die wunderbaren Worte liebe Jutta!! Das unsere Fotos dazu animieren es sich selbst bei Tisch gutgehen zu lassen ist ein wundervolles Kompliment, das freut uns wahnsinnig!! Viel Glück Dir für Give-Away und liebsten Dank für die Teilnahme <3
Nina Jul 02, 2017
Why would I love to win your book?
At this moment, my boyfriend (I guess I should say fiance but I don't like the word) are planning our wedding next spring. Food and decoration are important items in this and your book and the great pictures would be an amazing source of inspiration for that. But not only that: In addition, due to circumstances of life we both live on different continents at this moment, which obviously is not great. The wedding next spring will also be the moment as of when we will live at the same place again and will start building our live and our home together. Again, the pictures would be great inspiration for that. Having the book to bridge the time until then, get inspiration from it for the wedding, but also dream of our future home and live together would be a truly amazing tool for helping us through that not always easy time now and in the future be a reminder that we made it through this and will make it through other difficult times as well.
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
So happy to read that our book would be an inspiration for your wedding. Thanks for the lovely words and good luck dear Nina :)
Lea Jul 02, 2017
Ich sollte das Buch gewinnen weil ich schon immer ein Fan von euch war und auch ein sehr treuer Follower bin. Das Buch würde auch super in meine Wohnung in Hamburg passen 🙂❤️
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Ohh wie lieb von Dir Lea!! Tausend Dank für die schönen Worte <3
Swantje Jul 02, 2017
Als riesengroßer Fan von euch und eurer Arbeit wäre ich überglücklich ein Buch mein eigen und täglich darin stöbern zu können. Ich vergesse die Zeit, wenn ich eure Bilder betrachte und könnte ewig darin verweilen.
Danke dafür!
Liebe Grüße,
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Was für ein tolles Kompliment liebe Swantje, das freut uns riesig <3 Danke Dir sehr für die lieben Worte!!
Luana Jul 02, 2017
Tolles Projekt! Sehr neugierig auf das Buch! Weil ich euch gerne Folge und bin sicher es lieben würde. LG
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Danke Dir liebe Luana <3
Lorestars Jul 02, 2017
I would love to win your book because your blog is always a surce of inspiracion. I would love to have it on paper, to look at your pictures every time I feel uninspired. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
You're more than welcome! Thanks a lot for your lovely words - so happy to read that our pictures are a source of inspiration for you - that's simply wonderful!
Cynthia Jul 02, 2017
I would be honored and grateful to win a copy of your book. I am a food writer/storyteller as well as a wishful photographer. Your lovely stories inspire and teach me on all those levels. Thank you
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Oh Cynthia, that's so kind! Thanks a lot for your lovely words, they put a smile on our faces :) :*
// Cathleen // Jul 02, 2017
Liebe Nora, liebe Laura,
hab' Euch grad erst entdeckt und bin schon in love. Ihr habt eine tolle - sehr beruhigende - Bildsprache und es ist ein echter Genuss, das anzuschauen, was
Ihr da so kreiert. Ja und kochen würde ich das auch gern mal. Deshalb bin ich dabei und würde mich sehr freuen!
Schönen Abend, liebe Grüße, Cathleen
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Was für ein schönes Kompliment, das freut uns riesig Cathleen!! <3
anke Jul 02, 2017
Yes please. Would love to have a copy.. such beautifull photography!
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
Thank you Anke and good luck to you <3
Akiko kitamura Jul 02, 2017
I just love your lovely photos (and foods!!!) .
I've started food blog, and I'd like to take a photo like you do. I've learned and inspired a lot from your blog.
I do do hope I can get book! Anyway, thank you so much for providing us such great photos and recipes!
Our food stories - Jul 05, 2017
You're more than welcome! Thanks a lot for your lovely words!
Kathi Jul 02, 2017
Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich liebe eure Bilder und Rezepte und würde mich riesig über das Buch freuen!
Eure Kathi
Neea Jul 02, 2017
First I would want to say your photos are breathtaking as always and your book can't be anything else than piece of art it self.
But then for the competition. Why should I would loved to win your book. Well,
Yesterday I organized my books and in a one year I have bought 36 cooking books. Your book would be perfect for my collection. I really enjoy reading different recipes and try many as I have time for.
Summer greeting from Finland :)
Felix Jul 02, 2017
Ihr Lieben,
mit eurer Arbeit seit ihr einfach eine Institution in Sachen Foodphotography, dazu euer Gespür für Wärme und einer floralen Ästhetik in euer Bildsprache. Eure Stories sind mehr als nur Inspiration, sie bringen Blicke auf tolle Orte. Mit eurem Buch kann man weitere Sinne erfreuen. Sei es die Haptik, ihr werdet sicher ein hochwertiges nachhaltiges Papier gewählt haben, die Rezepte für Riechen und Schmecken.
Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg und bin gespannt wohin die "Reise" geht.
Liebe Grüße
Julia Goodall Jul 02, 2017
I love that you are real people capturing real, beautiful food! There is both a peace & an energy in your images that I love & winning your book would be a real treat!
Arielle Jul 02, 2017
I love your photos. And this book will be the perfect match with my breakfast coffee.
Marianna Karakosta Jul 02, 2017
i love this light nostalgic touch on your fotos! They always transfer a warm feeling and make me dream of perfect moments and places! Every foto, every post is like a poem, a real ispiration, i know you heard that a lot-but is true. Who wouldn't love to have your book in their collection. I would just love to have a copy of your book! You are both amazing talented and that shows in your work! Thank you!
Thi My Chi Mac Jul 02, 2017
I just simply love the pictures and they have inspired me a lot to cook more delicious healthy meal.
Verena Lorenz Jul 03, 2017
Ich würde mich sehr über das Buch freuen. Ich liebe Essen, Design und euch. Ich werde mir leider das Buch nicht kaufen können, weil ich es mir nicht leisten kann.
Lizette Jul 03, 2017
You are a big inspiration for us with you're work for our small little company. We will give your book a special place in our office!
Helena Nacinovic Jul 03, 2017
I love your pictures and the recipes as well! That's why I'd love to win the book, it would get a place of honour in my kitchen library!
Marie Jul 03, 2017
Inspiration. Pure Inspiration. Bei Euren Bildenr bekomme ich nicht nur Lust zu kochen, sondern auch all meine freudne zu einem Dinner in der Natur enzuladne. Und da der Garten fehlt, bietet Ihr auch heir wieder tolle Wege - alles ist möglich...
Geneviève Jul 03, 2017
Your photos are beautiful and capture the feeling of enjoying food with others. I'd love to look through and read your book.
Jenni Jul 03, 2017
Hallo, ihr beiden!
Ich bin, seit ich euch in den Weiten des WWW gefunden habe (eine tolle Wasser-Anspielung, oder?) sehr beeindruckt von eurer Arbeit und liebe - wie so viele andere - eure Bilder, die Leidenschaft, mit der ihr hinter euren Projekten steht und die Professionalität, die ihr in jedes davon hineinsteckt.
Sagt's niemandem weiter, aber: Ihr seid große Vorbilder!
Und genau deswegen würde ich mich irrsinnig freuen, ein Exemplar eures Buches gewinnen zu können! <3
Liebe Grüße und macht weiter so wie bisher!
Becky Wallace Jul 03, 2017
Hi from New Brunswick, Canada! Your photography is an absolute inspiration! I would love to win a copy of your book to dive deeper into these connections & collaborations you speak of. Thanks for posting so many incredible photographs and insanely beautiful flowers & food! Enjoy the rest of your week.
An Nguyen Tram Hong Jul 03, 2017
Congratulation on launching your latest book - "Dialogues"!
I ran into your Instagram profile just by accident. I'm not good at cooking cause I'm just kind of clumsy. But I have a big love with food, (especially desserts, just like cakes, and sweets) and sometimes I shoot some photos just by my favorite. I was searching for nice photos on Instagram that day and then, I found your account. Your feed really blew my mind, I know food stylists and food photographers can make food have a gorgeous outlook. But your feeds just makes thing to a different level (as least in my opinion). I was impressed by the way cakes, fruits, flowers and props were set up, simple, clear but effective. And I can "read" the story behind every shot, just like the name that you named for your blog - "our food stories".
The color of every shot is another story. I love the cool so when I first saw your photos, I was stunned.
One more interesting thing was your Instagram is not only about food photograph but also about recipes(gluten-free), interiors and sometimes, the beautiful scenes from Sweden, Denmark or Berlin. So I've just found a food photography feed, also a cooking feed and also a travel feed. That's so cool, isn't it?
When I first heard that, you are going to lauch your new book. I was so excited, I was inspired so much from your photos so I hope your book will have the same effection with me. The things make me wonder was, "is it a cookbook? Is it an interiors book? Or a food photography book?" Because I'm not good at cooking or architecture, so maybe I cannot make the book be 100% useful. And then I found out that "Dialogues" is a combination of all above things, wow, really good news.
When I know about your give away, I was struggling between giving myself a chance or just passing it away. I don't really have anything in common with luck and I never won any give away before. But I think that, if the book don't go to me, at least I could say my thanks, my respectation and my appriciation to you for inspiring and motivating me so much. And of course, the main reason is I want it so bad because I really really love it. Maybe you don't know but all of your works have a lot of effects on some people who are just like me.
This book may help me a lot on finding good things and inspiration in my daily life, just like your photos have done until now. The book is a little bit expensive for me, don't get me wrong, I know it worth every penny (even more than its current price), and I'm living in Vietnam, it seems that Frama don't ship to Vietnam. So it is some kind of difficult for me to get a copy. So it will be wonderful if I could get a copy by this chance.
Last thing I want to say is "Thank you" for all your works, and I'm looking forward to seeing your new shots and recipes.
Daphné Jul 03, 2017
Because sometimes something speaks to you in an immediate, fulgurant way, even if you can pinpoint what it is that touches you the most. The Flemish art echoes. The apparent, simplicity. The silence, and sometimes the voices we imagine hearing over the table setting. And, naturally, la nourriture. Nourishment for the palate and the soul. An evidence, un coup de foudre.
gerard Jul 03, 2017
Hi ladies. I would love to win the book I have been following you guys since a long time ago and every day I love more and more (if that's even possible) your pictures. You are such and inspiration not only to me but all your big amount of followers around the world and I am so excited to get that book. Thanks a lot for the opportunity! Kisses from Spain!
Lauricia Jul 03, 2017
I would love to win this book because I am so inspired by how you guys capture beauty. Your pictures make me happy. I would love to use it in pictures as well as savour each beautiful image and draw inspiration from them for future projects.
Judith Jul 03, 2017
Um die Vielfalt an Gefühlen und Vibes, die eure Bilder, Posts und Rezepte immer vermitteln, auch den ganzen Tag zuhause haben zu können. Traumhaft!
Sarah Jul 03, 2017
I imagine your book to be the perfect combination of art and cooking: the two things that make a day! So, especially after a long day at work, your book would be a perfect glimpse into a world, that provides us with new inspiration and relaxation!
Actually, I spent some days in Copenhagen last week, but only after I came home I found out that I could have witnessed the launch of your book. Maybe you give me a second chance... ;)
Anabel Oviedo Jul 03, 2017
Hello! I'm a web editor and food writer in a mexican magazine. I would love to have a copy because it's art pure and a lot of inspiration for me. I want to cook the recipes, write about this fascinate discovery and I would love to share all the art and info with my partners and friends.
Carmen Jul 03, 2017
I absolutely love the photographs you guys share, and I'd love to learn more about gluten-free food. Your pictures elicit a sense of warmth and snugness, as well as suggest the joy in sharing food with kindred spirits - something that I find truly inspiring. I'd treasure a copy of the book!
Warm regards all the way from South Africa!
Uschi E Jul 03, 2017
Hallo ihr Lieben, natürlich erst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zu euerem Werk. Ich liebe Kopenhagen sehr, und würde zu gerne - zumindest virtuell - mit euch an diesem Tisch sitzen und ein Stück Tarte essen. Viele liebe Grüße
Mira Åkerberg Jul 03, 2017
I would be so thrilled to have a copy of your new book. Your photographs have been very inspirational to me ever since I first found a picture of your kitchen...loved the old wooden dining table and the grey concrete wall. I just moved and already painted my own grey chalk paint on the walls and am just loving it. I'm still looking for more inspiration for my home But also for foodphotography since its a passion of mine too. Your book would be the best to keep the inspiration flowing :) Your pictures are breathtaking and capture such a nice ambience. Keep up the good work and I will look forward to more beautiful pics to come <3
Essie Jul 04, 2017
I would LOVE to win a copy of your book to gift to my super talented kitchen-whizz of a mother. My mum is crazy about presentation and making the most delicious easy meals out of simple ingredients ! Her and I are both super inspired by your blog and instagram especially so it would be Nice to hold a copy of your lovely book in our home! Thank you x
Harnit Kaur Jul 04, 2017
I discovered your blog a while back simply chance while trying to find gluten free recipes, as I have seviour food intolerances. What I love most is that your recipes were easy to follow and all ingredients could be easily resourced (I live on an island and things can be difficult to find at times!). What tempted me to finally cook, as am pretty lazy and bad cook were the beautiful photos! Everything I have tried was successful! Even the other members of my family ate them and sang endless praises! Recently on a trip I took tour buckwheat carrot and peas waffles, they were wonderful and the good thing they kept me going until I reached my destination.
Thank you from bottom of my heart for sharing your wonderful recipes, photos and day to day events, I can't express my joy and pleasure to cook and drool over all the photos! Please list your book on amazon too so that those unfortunate enough not to win can still go online and procure a copy!
Anamika Parashar Jul 06, 2017
Beautiful pictures making all my sense organs happy!!
I am Anamika from India. I am so impressed and inspired by your amazing talent and the hardwork you put in making the awesome food,styling it, sharing with friends and introducing me to beautiful landscapes I so yearn to see now.
I would love to learn so much from your book.
Anita Brower Jul 06, 2017
Just came to explore and discover. First time visiting this site. I like the crisp photos and the displays and do get a sense of I am there. Have much to learn and would like to win a copy of -Dialogues- just because. I like stories and food and people and enjoy learning.
Thanh Huân Nguyễn Jul 08, 2017
Hi Nora & Laura!
I'm very excited to know that this Give-Away is worldwide because maybe I have a chance finally! ;)
I truly would like to win a copy of your book since I want to have a closer look at your daily work. Over 1 year following @_foodstories_ , I always be able to find the joy, the peacefulness in your every single photo. I mean when looking at your post, it's not just about the food or a simple shot. I love the way you guys make the meals for each other, for your friends in somewhere belonging to nature one way or another: in your garden, in a field, next to the window, at "boat stop"... (sorry my English vocabulary is not good enough!). You know, sometimes I wonder how everything in your photos match with each others so well. The food, the plates, the mugs, wooden board, table, chairs, flowers, surroundings... and your hands of coures! :D
I want to listen more to your conversations as much as to know how I can make those lovely, cosy meals for my family in Vietnam thanks to all your posts.
It's very kind of you to hold this Give-Away for worldwide followers! Have a nice weekend! <3