Home Tour with Elisabeth Bruun Rasmussen & Hans Færch-Jensen in Copenhagen
We are excited to share a new home tour with you guys today! Step inside the stunning and charming house of Elisabeth Bruun Rasmussen and Hans Færch-Jensen in Copenhagen. We met Elisabeth and Hans through their daughter Nina and already shared a tour through Nina's home with you last year. Get to know more about Elisabeth and Hans in our interview and enjoy the tour!
1. Hi Elisabeth, Hi Hans, please introduce yourself:
We live in a house from 1896 in Gentofte north of Copenhagen and have been together for 43 years. We have two grownup kids: Nina and Mads.
Elisabeth: Architect from The Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen in 1982. I am 68 and a senior citizen, still very obsessed of architecture and especially drawing and painting patterns with botanical designs. I love cooking and have a considerable collection of recipes. My kids have forced me to get an overview and make a family cookbook out of it. Thats one of my future plans.
Hans: 67 and senior citizen. Graphic Designer from School of Design KADK. My former working life I spent as a graphic journalist for the paper Berlingske and besides I have my own little company producing books, posters, cardgames etc. for kids based on my own illustrations. I love smaller building projects and have recently finished a bathroom in our family summerhouse.
2. In which room do you spend most of your time?
In the conservatory. The light literally draws you to this room. We almost feel guilty towards the other nice rooms in our house. When the weather gets mild and the sun is shining, we move into the big green room – our garden.
3. What’s your favorite oldest interior piece and what’s your favorite latest purchase?
We have an old Bojan, an old chinese porcelain food jar with lid, now used as a vase. A gift from Hans to Elisabeth.
Another favorite is a wicker chair designed in 1938 by the danish architect Viggo Boesen (1907-1985). A gift from Viggo Boesen to Elisabeths father. They were colleagues back then. Today the chair is produced and sold by Sika Design.
Our latest favorite purchase is a bookcase specific designed for our study. It contains books, small collections, letters, signs etc. The bookcase is produced and configured by 3unika.

4. What’s your favorite book or which book do you read at the moment?
Hans: I do not read much. Last christmas (2018) I got a book about Leonardo da Vinci. I like it, but have not finished it yet.
Elisabeth: I love to read and have always a book at the table or on the Ipad. All from the library. I have just finished a novel – “Men in my situation” – written by one of my favourite authors, the norwegian Per Petterson. One of his early editions – “Out stealing horses” – has been filmatised recently. We have seen it, a lovely movie.
5. Does Art play a role in your life?
Art plays a big role. Everyday. In both families art has a high priority so the influence and affect is present and has always been. Both with a professional approach but also in a more playing way. A big part of art and paintings in our home is made by friends or family.
Also we can plan a vacation because of a building we have read about, or visit a specific museum we heard of. For instance Branly @quaibranly where you find the most fantastic etnographic collections from all over the world. That museum made us go to Paris for a week.
6. How would your dream living situation look like?
This is a good and easy question because we ARE in a dream living situation. We live in a lovely house. We have a big lovely family. We have a lot of friends and several friendships that has lasted for many, many years. These things we consider as the most important in our lives.
7. Which interior piece do you want to buy soon?
For a long time we have wished to acquire a large painting made by Marianne Thygesen. Hope we will succeed. We have several smaller pictures by her. All favourites you can immerse yourself into. Marianne has recently exhibited at the small gallery @butikken_art_and_books in Vesterbro. Only small goaches and collages were shown. A very fine exhibition.
8. Would you tell us a few of your favorite design shops?
A. Petersen, Collection & Craft. Under the same roof you have boutique, exhibitions and workshops in a nice old building. Here – in a small scale – you can see all aspects of design.
Bendtsens is a shop in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen selling lithographs and posters in handgilded frames.
9. If someone would gift you a second flat or house where would it be?
We have a very cosy family summerhouse. We love to be there. It is quite small and this is part of the charm but also the limit. So it is a wish to get some more space, building a room or two more.
This autumn we have spent a week in Sicily. What a place and what a climate at that time of the year. It could be lovely to have a little house there close to the sea, close to a little town and close to the delicious italian food.
10. What’s your next travel destination?
Japan in spring 2020. Flight tickets are bought so planning has to start up very soon. We have been there 10 years ago with our children. It is a culture we are very fund of. The architecture, their fine crafts and particularly the textiles. Elisabeths childhood home was designed by her father in 1956 and very much inspired by japanese architecture.
11. What’s your all time favorite travel destination?
It must be our own country Denmark. There are so many lovely spots in Denmark and we would like to see them all. But even though it is a very small country, we will never overcome it.
12. What’s your favorite music/song at the moment?
The soundtrack from the great BBC series Peaky Blinders, especially The Peaky Blinders Theme “Red Right Hand” with Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Peaky Blinders season 5 is out now in Denmark.
But we always end up with classic music.

13. If someone visits Copenhagen for the first time, which places would you recommend to go to?
Hans would take them to “Refshaleøen” an island very close to Cph city. @refshaleøen. Formerly it housed one of the biggest ship wharfs in the world. Today it is events, food, streetfood, art, creativity etc. All reachable by foot or bike.
Elisabeth would go to “The Kings Garden”. It is a park with a long wonderful herbaceous border. We always have to pass it when we are in town. The perennials are put so beautiful together that colours, heights, structures and blooming shapes a fine composition.
14. Tell us 3 of your favorite Instagram accounts:
@nina_bruun of course. Nina is our daughter and owner of Nina Bruun Creative Consultancy situated in the middle of Copenhagen.
@Marianne Thygesen is an artist that we have followed for many years. Her images are full of stories and she is a fabulous colorist.
@3unika is a bookshelf company based in Ebeltoft. They are able to fit in tailored bookshelves everywhere.

Rike Nov 04, 2019
Macht so Spaß eure Home tours zu lesen. Sie sind so inspirierend.
Our food stories - Nov 04, 2019
Das freut uns riesig zu lesen, vielen Dank für das schöne Kompliment <3
Sis Nov 13, 2019
Such a beautiful home, artistic and authentic! Love it!
Our food stories - Nov 24, 2019
Thanks for the sweet words dear Sis, so agree <3
Natasa Feb 05, 2020
what a life !!!
Annukka Thoren Sep 18, 2021
Lovely, lovely.
I would like to move in. It is very inviting and tasteful.