Gluten-free Granola with Almonds, Hempseeds and dried Physalis
Finally it's December! We love the season before christmas, the smell of fir needles in the air, lighten the first candle of the advent wreath...
And of course all the lights in the city. everything feels much more cozy and you eat more cake and cookies than usual.
to celebrate all of that, and to celebrate the first of december, we have a very cool GIVE-AWAY for you today. It´s WORLD-WIDE, so don´t miss it. you have the chance to win a breakfast-set of the beautiful danish table-ware from DESIGN-LETTERS with famous ARNE JACOBSEN’S VINTAGE ABC. the set contains two bowls, a milk jar and a sugar pot with a black lid.
all you have to do, is write a comment under this post with your mail-address. we will announce the winner next sunday, on the 7th of december. good luck!
when we got our breakfast-set, we immediatly had the idea to make a delicious granola. because of the almonds and the spices it already tasted like christmas. we love homemade granola, and when you have to eat glutenfree you enjoy it even more because there are not many places (actually i don´t know a single one…) were you can buy a good glutenfree granola in berlin. but anyways, i´m sure you will love this one as much as we did, so enjoy and have a lovely week everyone!
Glutenfree granola with almonds, hempseeds and dried physalis
Ingredients (for one large storage jar)
- 200g glutenfree oats
- 70g almond slices
- 30g hempseeds
- 0,5 tsp cinnamon
- 1 dash cloves
- 1 dash cardamom
- 1 dash salt
- 60ml sunflower oil
- 5 tbsp liquid honey (e.g. acacia honey)
- 50g dried physalis
- 50g pomegranate seeds
Preheat oven to 160°C fan (or 175°C top/bottom heat). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Mix oats, sliced almonds, hempseeds, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and salt. Stir in the sunflower oil, add the honey and mix thoroughly. Spread the granola on the baking sheet and bake for 20-25min at 160°C fan until the granola turned nicely gold brown. Let it cool off and fill into a storage jar together with the dried physalis and pomegranate seeds. The granola is delicious with fresh pomegranate on top, milk (rice milk or any milk that you like) or of course yoghurt.
German Translation
Endlich ist es dezember!! wir beide lieben die vorweihnachtszeit sehr! der geruch von tannennadeln in der luft, das anzünden der ersten kerze auf dem adventskranz und natürlich all die vielen schönen lichter in der stadt…alles ist viel gemütlicher und außerdem isst man noch mehr kuchen und kekse, was gibt es also besseres.
um all dies zu feiern, haben wir heute ein richtig tolles GIVE-AWAY für euch. es gilt WELTWEIT, diesmal kann also jeder mitmachen. ihr habt die chance ein breakfast-set vom dänischen lable DESIGN LETTERS zu gewinnen, mit dem berühmten vintage ABC print von ARNE JACOBSEN. das set beinhaltet zwei schüsseln, ein milchkännchen und eine zuckerdose mit einem schwarzen deckel.
alles was ihr tun müsst, ist unter diesem post einen kommentar mit eurer mailadresse zu hinterlassen. wir losen den gewinner dann am sonntag, den 07. dezember aus. viel glück ihr lieben!
als wir unser breakfast-set bekommen haben, hatten wir sofort die idee ein leckeres granola zu machen. durch die mandeln und die gewürze schmeckt es auch schon richtig schön weihnachtlich.
und wir lieben selbstgemachtes granola sowieso über alles!
wenn man sich glutenfrei ernähren muss, schätzt man es wahrscheinlich noch viel mehr, ich kenne jedenfalls keinen einzigen laden in berlin, wo man ein gutes glutenfreies granola kaufen kann…wie auch immer, wir sind uns sicher, ihr werdet das rezept mögen, also probiert es und guten appetit. euch allen einen schönen start in die neue woche!
Glutenfreies Granola mit Mandeln, Hanfsamen und getrockneten Physalis
Zutaten (für 1 großes Vorratsglas)
200g glutenfreie Haferflocken
70g Mandelsplitter
30g Hanfsamen
0,5 TL Zimt
1 Prise Nelkengewürz
1 Prise Kardamom
1 Prise Salz
60ml Sonnenblumenöl
5 TL flüssiger Honig (z.B. Akazienhonig)
50g handvoll getrocknete Physalis
50g handvoll Granatapfelsamen
Ofen auf 160°C Umluft (oder 175°C Ober/Unterhitze) vorheizen. Backbleck mit Backpapier bedecken. Haferflocken mit Mandelsplittern, Hanfsamen, Zimt, Nelkengewürz, Kardamom und Salz vermischen. Sonnenlblumenöl unterrühren. Honig dazugeben und alles gut vermischen. Auf dem Backblech verteilen und für 20-25min bei 160°C umluft backen bis das Granola goldbraun wird.
Abkühlen lassen und zusammen mit den getrockneten Physalis und Granatapfelsamen in ein Weckglas füllen. Zum Müsli passen frische Granatapfelkerne, Milch oder natürlich Joghurt.
sara Dec 01, 2014
Hallo- gut sieht das aus.
Und die Letter-Kollektion ist besonders schön :) lg sara
Raspberrysue Dec 01, 2014
Wow, mal wieder tolle Bilder und ich liebe Granola! Vor allem lieber ich aber die Design Letters Produkte. Meine Sammlung Zuhause möchte ich langsam aufstocken. Deswegen stehen ein paar Teller auch ganz oben auf der Weihnachtswunschliste. Und ich versuche auch hier mein Glück :) Liebe Grüße, Carina
Andrea Neumann Dec 01, 2014
2nd try so.... First one didn't send... Anyways....
Love the giveaway. Perfect replacement for my falling apart 8yr old dishes. Love the granola too, awesome mix of flavours.... But where'd ye get the dried physalis from please?
Ju Irland Dec 01, 2014
Oh... aber Hallo... Was für ein mehr als großartiges Giveaway!!!
Ich liebe die Sachen von Design Letters! Und meine Tasse könnte definitiv Gesellschaft gebrauchen ;-)
Liebe Grüße
Julia (mammilade auf IG)
Corinne von Coco's Cute Corner Dec 01, 2014
Mal wieder wunderschöne Fotos mit dem tollsten Geschirr überhaupt. Ich liebe ja die Design Letters Serie. Und das Rezept klingt natürlich auch oberlecker.
Einen tollen Wochenstart euch zwei und alles Liebe aus der Schweiz,
Ronja Dec 01, 2014
Ich liebe euch für eure tollen Rezepte (seither bester Rührkuchenteig in meinem Repertoire, merci!) + Fotos + Glaube ans Glutenfreie. Und jetzt noch das schöne Geschenk von euch dazu? Ich drücke mir die Daumen. Liebste Grüße!
wendy | beeldSTEIL Dec 01, 2014
Love this, both the Design Letters ceramics and the recipe.
Will def try this at home! :)
Zita Dec 01, 2014
They all look stunning, I love the give-away, something really nice!
a Fox in the Kitchen
Caro Dec 01, 2014
Sieht sehr hübsch aus und das Granola lädt auch zum Nachmachen ein :))
LG Caro
Charlie Dec 01, 2014
They look so amazing Nora + Laura! Definitely wishing I could have some :p
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Yes please!
cherrie jy Dec 01, 2014
Been following your account for a while now! Thank you for taking the effort to take beautiful pictures and posting recipes. Would definitely like to try out this gluten-free granola recipe with the give-away goodies! Continue to keep up the good work and merry christmas in advance :)
nina Dec 01, 2014
sehr gern hätte ich diese an meinem küchentischchen.
alles liebe,
nina von top3.
charly Dec 01, 2014
Oh, sieht das lecker aus!
& das Geschirr ist natürlich klasse*-*
Liebste Grüße
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
...yumminess!! I also make my own granola. Adding hemp seeds, dried physalis and pomegranate seeds is such a delicious idea :)
Yana Dec 01, 2014
they are adorable! already imagining my granola breakfasts :)
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Following your instagram for a while now all the way from Singapore ! Love your pictures and detailed recipes. Wish I can try this gluten free granola recipe with the give-away :) Keep up the good job and merry Christmas in advance!
Lots of love
Maude Bourcier-Bouchard Dec 01, 2014
Too beautiful to eat. Would love to have these in Montreal. :)
Charlotte Dec 01, 2014
Beautiful kitchen set, and gorgeous photos! []
Shannon Dec 01, 2014
"Looks yummy"
234 Scarboro rd Kelowna, BC Canada v1x 1m2
Lea Dec 01, 2014
Dann probier ich auch mal mein Glück :)
Kelsey M Dec 01, 2014
Wow this set is adorable and the granola looks great for December- yum!
Malin ( Dec 01, 2014
Would love drinking my morning coffee out of one of those!
D. Defter Dec 01, 2014
Great recipe and awesome breakfast set! Fingers crossed! :)
My email address:
Jarri Dec 01, 2014
FOOD. yes please. jarrivdh at gmail dot com
Sofia Hellsten Dec 01, 2014
Look so lovely girls, and with dried physalis! :)
nina z Dec 01, 2014
chef tayebeh Dec 01, 2014
I would like to have the set please
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
What a cool give away!!!
Josefin Linn Dec 01, 2014
Mmmh das Granola sieht ja köstlich aus, werd ich bald mal ausprobieren müssen, vor allem in diesen Schüsseln, die sind meega schön :) Hoffe die stehen bald auf meinem Frühstückstisch ;)
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Wie immer zauberhaft schöne Bilder und ein inspiriendes Rezept in tollem Design präsentiert! Ich glaube noch an den Nikolaus! ;-)
Danke, Nora und Laura für die vielen schönen Eindrücke!
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Ginny Dec 01, 2014
das Geschirr ist sooo toll!!!
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Wow! thank you for all your post!:)
Sloane Taylor Dec 01, 2014
So gorgeous! Would love to make some of my own stories with these.
Sylvie Morgan Brown Dec 01, 2014
the prettiest!
Marlotte Dec 01, 2014
They look really adorable, I would love to use them. The granola looks also jummy, gonna try this recipe out this weekend. Have a great day!
cafenoHut Dec 01, 2014
Everything looks amazing!!! and great giveaway....
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Hi there, your pics are really inspiring to me. Funny thing is I am about to realize my first granola this weekend and I am all excited:) Well, if you ship to Paris, I'll be more than happy to participate :)
Have a great week
Pang@circahappy Dec 01, 2014
This give-away set is SO CUTE, and so perfect for Christmas morning + every morning.
Love your granola recipe, of course :)
My e-mail is, just in case.
HealthyHappySteffi Dec 01, 2014
Oh jaaa, ich mache mein Granola auch immer selbst. Besser geht's einfach nicht! Und Eure weihnachtliche Version hört sich himmlisch an! Die werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren und natürlich am liebsten aus der hübschen Schüssel des Frühstücks-Sets vernaschen ;-)
Liebste Grüße,
Franz Simone Dec 01, 2014
OMG! I love this super duper breakfast set!
my email is
Magda Lu Dec 01, 2014
I would love to have this "M" letter cup! <3
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
I'm soooo in love with this tableware!
And I can't wait to try and make this gluten-free granola, looks delicious! (I bet it would even taste better with this tableware...;)
Thank you!
Maryna Krasnozhon Dec 01, 2014
Christmas mood is everywhere))
I have never participated in give-aways, because usually they are for residents of forieng countries...but you are doing a great thing by making it worldwide))
asima arora Dec 01, 2014
What a beautiful post! Happy December! �� ��
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
oh wie schön wäre das … hoffend, bangend, herzlichst, sina sina_schwarz at
Manja Klingelhöffer Dec 01, 2014
Toller Blog! Tolles Geschirr!! Grüße aus Regensburg von der Manja!
Jeepgyrl Dec 01, 2014
Lovely pics and breakfast looks delicious!
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Folge eurem Instagram nun schon ein paar Wochen und ich bin immer wieder begeistert von euren Kreationen und den tollen Fotos. Das Frühstücksset ist genial. Verschenke etwas von der Kollektion von designletters zu Weihnachten, dabei hätte ich super gern etwas davon in meinem Küchenschrank
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
olala !! I'd love to win this give away !! :)
corinne at
Fatimah S. Dec 01, 2014
I've been making homemade granola lately and it's so much better than store bought. I'll have to give this recipe a try!
sneha Dec 01, 2014
Love your blog! I stumbled upon it recently and have been totally hooked :)
Wish you a very happy December. And have my fingers crossed for the give away.
Raquel Yeo Dec 01, 2014
Hello from Singapore!
As much as we humans love to don in gorgeous clothes, my breakfast table loves to have fashionable tableware too! What a great way to beautify my morning breakfast with this lovely breakfast set. I hope to win this! Thank you!
P/s: Your Instagram feed is beautiful :)
Julia Dec 01, 2014
was ein wunderbares give away. da hupfe ich doch gleich in den lostopf :) habt wunderbare vorweihnachtstage <3
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Sounds like a wonderful granola recipe that I should try sometimes! And it's such a cute breakfast set, that I should also enter in the giveaway!
Eine frohe Adventszeit euch beiden und vorweihnachtliche Grüsse aus Houston,
Peanutbutter Dec 01, 2014
I will try the granola! I would love to win the give away!
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
My sister loves granola but has recently developed a lot of different intolerances including a gluten intolerance. I'm currently living in Germany (you're right.. Finding gluten free granola is nearly impossible!) and this year she's coming to spend Christmas with me. I plan on surprising her with a granola that she can actually eat and this breakfast set would be a lovely companion!
Marcela Pecková Dec 01, 2014
Love your food-stories for long time until I found you on Instagram! :) And love this morning set as well <3 mail: and ig:marcelkaaa
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
My sister loves granola but has recently developed a lot of different intolerances including a gluten intolerance. I'm currently living in Germany (you're right.. Finding gluten free granola is nearly impossible!) and this year she's coming to spend Christmas with me. I plan on surprising her with a granola that she can actually eat and this breakfast set would be a lovely companion!
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Looks so delicious. I should try this recipe some day.
Ajeng Andianti Dec 01, 2014
I really love your blog! and thanks for this awesome giveaway, i always love Design Letters's design and style! I wish I win this giveaway <3
Sisley ( Dec 01, 2014
The recipe sounds delicious! PS I'm living in Berlin too :) So excited about this giveaway! My email is:
Dosi Dec 01, 2014
mei, ich würd` die Sachen einfach gen haben:-)
vlg aus tirol!
Edita Dec 01, 2014
So lecker! I'm following you guys on Instagram and your blog - amazing pictures and great recipes! I need that breakfast set to make my food pictures as nice and yummy looking as yours! :D My email is:
Rosie French Dec 01, 2014
Fingers crossed 🙏
Jhawk Dec 01, 2014
Thanks for the great recipe- your Instagram and blog constantly leave me drooling! It's been a great resource for me on my road to better health. Amazing give-away- crossing my fingers! ;)
Sanjella Dec 01, 2014
Ich liebe Granola! Wird am Wochenende nachgemacht! Vielleicht als Nikolaus-Mitbringsel. :)
Julia { dinners with friends } Dec 01, 2014
Toasting a monthly batch of granola this morning {& adapting the cardamom & pomegranate seed idea} … Cheers from San Francisco!
Chiara Dec 01, 2014
Mhhhh ein Granola-Rezept! Werde ich bald in die Tat umsetzen! Liebe Grüße, Chiara
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
So lovely. What a beautiful give-away. I would love to use that beautiful danish table-ware at home : ) Great blog / Instagram account! Best from Belgium. My email is:
Karin | stylehäppchen Dec 01, 2014
Ach wie toll ich liebe alles an Euch - auch dieses Rezept fürs Müesli und natürlich hätte ich gerne das Zmorge-Set für mich und mein Mann :-)
Christiana Sullivan Dec 01, 2014
You're pictures are so beautiful! I love following yall on Instagram! The pottery looks amazing too!
Christiana Sullivan Dec 01, 2014
You're pictures are so beautiful! I love following yall on Instagram! The pottery looks amazing too!
Anonym Dec 01, 2014
Merry christmas
xoxo Helle
Joyti Dec 02, 2014
Oh! How lovely! I've been a fan of your site for a while now, and thanks for the giveaway!
Email: Dec 02, 2014
your pictures always makes me feel hungry!!
Anonym Dec 02, 2014
What a wonderful giveaway, and that granola looks delicious!! Fingers crossed.
Anonym Dec 02, 2014
What a wonderful giveaway, and that granola looks delicious!! Fingers crossed.
inês do crasto Dec 02, 2014
omg. i totally love the giveaway pieces!! and the pictures make them look even nicer :)
i know i seldom win anything, but i'm still trying...
wünsche ihren eine schöne wöche!
Ben Orkin Dec 02, 2014
A quiet room. A table set for two. Rough wood and fine ceramics. Breakfast bowls and mugs. Two sit for hours taking about life, about love and about food. Each pausing to eat and drink. exchanging thoughts and ideas. Their minds set on each other and the food that they have eaten.
Anonym Dec 02, 2014
I am from South Africa, but the first time I tasted physalis was on a trip to Germany even though I knew the fruit beforehand!! So the thought of this granola brings back the loveliest memories. And the ceramics are the coolest design! :)
Sweet Laura Dec 02, 2014
Ach---da ich das letzte Mal gewonnen habe---natürlich kann man nicht immer gewinnen---aber es war ein sooooo unglaublich klasse Gewinn---versuche ich es wieder!! habt noch einen zauberhaften Tag!! Laura
Jessi von Törtchenzeit Dec 02, 2014
oh ich möcht' auch so gern von diesem hübschen Porzellan frühstückchen :) Would make my day <3 alles Liebe, ihr zwei hübschis! Jessi
Die Glücklichmacherei Dec 02, 2014
hallo ihr 2!
oooh wie toll! ich möcht so gerne gewinnen! da drück ich mir selber mal ganz frech die Däumchen ;)
alles liebe
Ela Dec 02, 2014
Ohhhhh wie toll, zu gern würde ich dieses Set gewinnen! Ich hab es schon so oft gesehen in letzter Zeit und konnte es mir nie leisten. Würde mich wirklich sehr darüber freuen!
Alles Liebe,
Ela (transglobalpanparty at
Katerina Dec 03, 2014
Oh wow can I please win this, I completely adore Design letters and I have a food set but a breakfast set would be divine! ♥
Marsha T Dec 03, 2014
This looks so amazingly good that I can only hope to get my son and husband to eat t too. Or perhaps not - that way I can have it for myself. Thank you for the recipe.
Sylvie Dec 03, 2014
love this beautiful set! would love to win... :)
li_sylvie at
that's food darling Dec 04, 2014
Ahhh genial, das Müslirezept ist klasse, wird nachgemacht - und am liebsten würde ich es in den Design Letters Schalen servieren. So schön.
coffee and other addictions Dec 04, 2014
Schaut das toll aus, ein großes Herz für getrocknete Physalis. Getrockneten Granatapfelkernen bin ich leider noch nirgends begegnet. Toller Adventskranz :)
Anonym Dec 05, 2014
Oh this looks and sounds so wonderfully festive! Yum! :)
Katharina Dec 06, 2014
Wow, wie immer ganz tolle Bilder! Die Idee, Granola selbst zu machen, ist genial - wird bestimmt nachgemacht!
Das Geschirr ist nicht weniger schön! Würde mich sehr darüber freuen.
Liebe Grüße,
Handy Luo Dec 06, 2014
First of all, you have such a spectacular gallery and blog! Your photos are simply just amazing! I'm falling in love with your work! And also bunch of amazing recipes I could find in your amazing blog! You are one of my inspiration in food photography, you rock!
Handy Luo
YumminessHappiness Dec 06, 2014
U guys are just inspiring. I'm trying to combine vegan and glutenfree baking pretty often@the moment. Sometimes it's like "hell-yeaaah-yummy" and the day after it could be like "oh goodness-noooooo". Had this some days ago with vegan cheesecake, topped with vegan lemon curd - unfortunately I baked it on a cake base made of buckwheat. I found it's taste much to strong, to me the buckwheat overlaid the rest of the cake. Hmm-difficult to become friends with!
However - great granola recipe, I love to add chia seeds to mine since it's also glutenfree and I found those little black poppies so yummy looking.
Long story short-I truly adore ur blog and ur pics!
And hey - WANT WANT WANT the give away!!!!!!!!!!!! (How many exclamation marks are necessary to be convincing after all?)
Have a lovely Nicolas,
diananda riskia Dec 06, 2014
As Indonesian we're actually not used to eat granola, oatmeal or cereal as breakfast. We eat rice every single day, 3 times a day. When my husband and I change our habit and eat fruit/cereal/bread/anything non rice, some people said we're tried to be western haha. It's funny how people judge us only based on what we eat, without asking why we eat consume it.
Anyway, I thank you so much for this easy gf granola recipe. We used to buy instant granola (an import one, there is no local granola here) n it cost much.
Thanks again!
Anastasija Jegorova Dec 06, 2014
I love your photography and those wonderful plates!
My email is
And instagram @annnastasija
Hope this one is lucky! ;)
Sarmishta Pantham Dec 06, 2014
Huge fan of your blog! Can't wait out this granola for tomorrow' breakfast :) And a wonderful giveaway, I would love to have one! :)
Brigadeiro Dec 06, 2014
Can you believe I've never made granola? My mom used to make it all the time as it was not adult found in Brazil at the time, but here I'm lazy as there are so many types available, but they can't beat homemade, must try it! 😋👍
Brigadeirosblog at gmail dot com
Anonym Dec 06, 2014
I can't wait to try this recipe. It's look delicious and healthy.
Thank you for share it with us ()
YumminessHappiness Dec 06, 2014
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
justlove2ndhandbyLeneB Dec 06, 2014
LOVE it <3 and the lettercups also or (my blogmail)
Christina Dec 06, 2014
Such stunning photographs and what a delicious looking recipe. yummmmmy. I would LOVE to win some of design letters' beautiful ware, thank you for the chance to enter this lovely giveaway!! <3 Flat 7, 5 Georgiou Drosini, Limassol, Cyprus 3085
Renee | Flavors of Light Dec 06, 2014
This would be so cheery to use in the mornings. What a great combination, I love both breakfast and typography!
renee [at] flavorsoflight [dot] com Dec 06, 2014
Zuerst muss ich mal sagen, dass ihr einen wunderschönen Blog habt!
Tolle Rezepte und wundervolle Fotos!!! :-)
Danke für eure tolle Inspiration!
Ganz liebe Grüße
Aline Heß Dec 06, 2014
This blog is great, I really love the delicious food and the beautiful pictures! :)
Love, Aline
Anonym Dec 07, 2014
Ach da mache ich super gerne mit--die Arne Jacobson Armbanduhr habe ich schon---da würde das Frühstücksset super dazu passen!!ünsche mir noch viel schöne Fotos von euch <3 <3 <3
Anonym Dec 07, 2014
Really inspiering blog! Best regards Torunn, Norway