Christmas Pavlova with sugared Cranberries and Orange & Citron Slices
Today is a special day for many reasons. But most important for you: we have a great GIVE-AWAY today! As it's saint nicholas' day and also the 2nd advent, we thought we suprise you with a little present.
We are so greatful for all your support and want to give something back to you. We would love to send you one of our cake stands, that we designed together with Philipp from Nutsandwoods.
The give away is WORLDWIDE, all you have to do is write a comment with your mail address under this post and we will announce the winner next sunday. Good luck!!
Designing our first product was so ecxiting for us and all your support and orders were so overwhelming and made us very happy. We are very greatful to have such wonderful readers!! A huge thank you to everyone of you!!
And I’m sure this crazy delicious christmas pavlova will make you as happy and satisfied as it made us. It’s so soft from the inside and crispy from the outside and tastes so much like christmas.
We used our new kitchenmachine from WMF for this recipe and were really happy with it. To be honest it is our first kitchenmachine ever so we were pretty excited to try it. The quality (and the look!) really convinced us and we can’t wait to use and test it more.
To refine the pavlova, nora made a wonderful orange-anise syrup which was so heavenly itselfe that I can imagine it might be very good with pancakes or waffles or pretty much everything sweet as well.
We hope you enjoy this recipe and have a lovely day guys!
Christmas Pavlova with Sugared Cranberries and Orange and Citrus Slices
- 3 cold egg whites (size m/l)
- 150g sugar
- 1/2 vanilla bean
- 1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon
- 1 dash of salt
Hazelnut creme
- 200g heavy cream
- 1/2 tsp gingerbread seasoning (or another christmas spice)
- 50g ground almonds
Cranberries covered in snow
- 1 pck fresh cranberries (125-200g)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup wasser
- about 100g extra-sugar for coating
Candied orange and lemon slices
- 1-2 small organic oranges
- 1 organic lemon
- 2-3 anise stars
- 1 cup sugar (not necessary, if you use the remaining syrup from the sugared cranberries)
- 1 cup water (not necessary, if you use the remaining syrup from the sugared cranberries)
Sugared cranberries
Boil water together with sugar until sugar is dissolved, then let cool for 10min until you pour into a jar or similar. Wash cranberries and pat with kitchen paper. Fill cranberries into the syrup, stir and let infuse overnight or at least 5-6 hours (stir at least 1-2 times). Place cranberries on a cooling rack or similar (you can also use a mesh sieve) to let the syrup drain off. Dust with extra sugar, turn cranberries a bit and dust again with sugar. Fill remaining sugar into a tart pan (or soup plate), add the cranberries and shake the tart pan until cranberries are covered with sugar from all sides. (The leftover syrup you can use perfectly for the candied oranges – if it´s not enough just add some more water and sugar)
Candied orange and lemon slices
Boil water together with sugar until sugar is dissolved, then add anise stars. Wash orange and lemon and cut into 3-5mm slices. cook slices for 15min in the syrup, then drain on a cooling rack. Boil remaining syrup until it turns into a nice thick consistence (ca. 10min). Remove from stove. Line a oven grid with baking parchment and preheat oven to 190°C (380°F) top/bottom heat. Dip every slice into the syrup and place for a minute back on the cooling rack, then put them on the baking parchment and bake for 10-20min until the first slices start to turn brown and the sugar caramelizes. Let the slices cool down on a new sheet of baking parchment. (Pour some of the remaining syrup in the end on top of the pavlova – it´s so delicious!)
Preheat the oven to 100°C (200°F) fan-forced. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and draw a circle (about 20cm-ø) on the baking parchment – take a plate or similar as a stencil. Beat egg whites half stiff, then gradually whisk in the sugar tablespoon by tablespoon (plus the salt and vanilla seeds and cinnamon in the end). Beat at least for 2-3min longer until the consistence is thick and glossy, and the sugar is dissolved. Spread half of the meringue with a tablespoon on the circle of the parchment paper (spread from inside to outside). Add remaining meringue on top, spread again a second layer and form a indentation in the center. Bake the pavlova for 90min, then switch off the oven and leave the pavlova inside until oven is cooled down. When it´s completely chilled, loosen the pavlova carefully with a long knife from the baking parchment. The pavlova is perfect, when it´s soft from the inside and crispy from the outside.
Hazelnut creme
Whip cream and add just in the end the gingerbread seasoning. Fold in the ground hazelnuts.
Place meringue on a cake stand or plate, fill with whipped cream – you can sprinkle some extra ground hazelnuts on it. Cut a few orange and lemon slices into halves and decorate together with some cranberries on the pavlova and finish with orange syrup. Bon appétit!
German Translation
Heute ist ein besonderer Tag aus vielerlei Gründen. aber am wichtigsten für Euch: wir haben heute ein tolles GIVE-AWAY! Da ja heute Nikolaus und auch der zweite Advent ist, dachten wir uns, wir überraschen Euch. Wir sind so dankbar für all Eure Unterstützung, dass wir Euch gerne etwas zurück geben möchten. und zwar verlosen wir heute einen unserer Tortenständer, die wir gemeinsam mit Philipp von Nutsandwoods designed haben. Das give-away ist weltweit und alles was ihr tun müsst ist diesen Post zu kommentieren und Eure Email da zu lassen. Die Gewinner werden wir am Sonntag auslosen. Viel Glück Euch ihr lieben!
Unser erstes Produkt zu designen war so aufregend für uns und all Eure Unterstützung und Eure Bestellungen haben uns so glücklich gemacht. Wir sind so dankbar solch wunderbare Leser zu haben und bedanken uns riesig bei euch!!
Und wir sind uns sicher, das diese unfassbar köstliche Weihnachtspavlova Euch genauso glücklich und zufrieden machen wird wie uns.
Von innen ist sie schön weich, von außen knusprig und sie schmeckt einfach so sehr nach Weihnachten, genauso soll es sein.
Für das Rezept haben wir unsere neue Küchenmaschine von WMF getestet und waren mehr als zufrieden. Um ehrlich zu sein, war dies die erste Küchenmaschine die wir benutzt haben, dementsprechend waren wir voller Vorfreude sie auszuprobieren. Die Qualität und der Look haben uns wirklich überzeugt und wir freuen uns schon sehr die nächsten Backabenteuer mit dem tollen Teil zu starten.
Um die Pavlova noch zu verfeinern hat Nora einen wunderbaren Orangen-Anis Sirup gekocht, der für sich schon so himmlisch geschmeckt hat, das ich mir gut vorstellen kann ihn auch zu Pancakes oder Waffeln oder zu allem was es noch so süßes gibt zu essen.
Wir hoffen ihr genießt die Pavlova genauso sehr wie wir es am Wochenende getan haben und habt noch einen schönen Sonntag ihr lieben!
Weihnachtliche Pavlova mit Haselnuss-Creme, kandierten Orangen-und Zitronenscheiben & gezuckerten Cranberries
- 3 kalte Eiweisse (Eier Gr. m/l)
- 150g Zucker
- 1/2 Vanilleschote
- 1/2 TL Ceylon Zimt
- 1 Prise Salz
- 200g Konditorsahne
- 1/2 TL Lebkuchengewürz o.ä.
- 50g gemahlene Haselnüsse
Cranberries im Schneemantel
- 1 Packung frische Cranberries (125-200g)
- 250g Zucker
- 250ml WAsser
- etwa 100g extra-Zucker für die Hülle
Kandierte Orangen- und Zitronenscheiben
- 1-2 kleine Bio-Orangen
- 1 Zitrone
- 2-3 Anissterne
- 250ml Wasser (nicht unbedingt nötig, falls man den Cranberry-Sirup verwendet)
- 250g Zucker (nicht unbedingt nötig, falls man den Cranberry-Sirup verwendet)
Gezuckerte Cranberries
250g Zucker mit 250ml Wasser kurz aufkochen bis sich der Zucker im Wasser aufgelöst hat, 10min abkühlen lassen und in ein Weckglas o.ä. füllen. Cranberries waschen, mit etwas Küchenpapier abtupfen und in den Sirup geben – etwas rühren. Abdecken und über Nacht oder min. 5-6h ziehen lassen – währenddessen 1-2 umrühren. Cranberries auf ein Kuchengitter o.ä. (zur Not geht auch ein Sieb) geben damit der Sirup abtropfen kann. Mit Zucker bestreuen, wenden, wieder mit Zucker bestreuen. Restlichen Zucker in eine Tarteform (ein tiefer Teller geht auch) füllen, Cranberries dazugeben und Tarteform rütteln, sodass Cranberries schön von allen Seiten mit Zucker umhüllt sind. (Den Sirup kann man sehr gut für die kandierten Orangen verwenden – evtl. noch etwas extra Wasser bzw. Zucker hinzugeben, falls die Menge nicht reicht).
Kandierte Orangen- und Zitronenscheiben
Wasser und Zucker aufkochen bis sich der Zucker aufgelöst hat, dann Anissterne dazugeben. Orangen und Zitrone waschen und in etwa 3-5mm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Die Scheiben für 15min im Sirup köcheln lassen, dann auf einem Kuchengitter abtropfen lassen und Sirup einkochen bis er schön zähflüssig ist (ca. 10min). Vom Herd nehmen. Ein Backgitter mit Backpapier belegen und Ofen auf 190°C Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Die Scheiben kurz in den Sirup tunken und für einen Moment auf das Kuchengitter legen, dann auf das Backpapier legen und die Scheiben für 10-20min backen bis die ersten Scheiben anfangen braun zu werden bzw. der Zucker karamellisiert. Scheiben aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einem neuen Stück Backpapier abkühlen lassen. (Vom restlichen Orangensirup zum Schluss etwas über die Pavlova gießen – superlecker!)
Backofen auf 100°C Umluft vorheizen, ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen und mit einem Bleistift einen ca. 20cm großen Kreis auf das Backpapier zeichnen (nehmt einfach einen Teller o.ä.). Eiweisse halbsteif schlagen, dann nach und nach während des Schlagens Zucker und Salz hinzufügen. Weiterschlagen bis die Baisermasse schön glänzt und der Zucker sich so gut wie aufgelöst hat. Zum Schluss kurz den Zimt und das Vanillemark unterschlagen. Etwa die Hälfte der Masse mit einem Esslöffel auf den Kreis verteilen (am besten von innen nach aussen im Kreis verstreichen). Dann den restlichen Eischnee dazugeben und darüber verstreichen, in der Mitte eine Mulde formen – für die Schlagsahne. Baisermasse für 90min backen, dann Ofen ausschalten und erst herausnehmen, wenn der Ofen abgekühlt ist. Wenn das Baiser komplett abgekühlt ist, vorsichtig mit einem langen Messer vom Backpapier lösen. Es sollte innen weich und aussen kross sein.
Konditorsahne aufschlagen, Zimt zum Schluss unterschlagen, dann gemahlene Haselnüsse unterheben.
Baiser auf einen Tortenständer oder Teller legen, Schlagsahne in der Mulde verteilen – evtl. noch ein bisschen gemahlene Haselnüsse darüber streuen. Ein paar Orangen- und Zitronenscheiben halbieren und zusammen mit den Cranberries auf der Pavlova dekorieren und mit Sirup verfeinern. Bon appétit!
Kat Dec 07, 2015
Hallo ihr beiden,
Das sieht super lecker aus. Tolle Fotos und tolles Styling.
Liebe Grüße,
John Mayer Dec 07, 2015
The Food looks so so good! I'm hungry now :-)
Have a nice monday ! ;-)
Lisa - Joy Della Vita Travelblog
LILLALUND Dec 07, 2015
Meine Lieben, die Pavlova sieht einfach zu schön aus. Das mit den gezuckerten Cranberries habe ich noch nie ausprobiert, steht aber ganz oben auf meiner To-Do-Liste.
Habt einen guten Start in die Woche!
Alles Liebe, Franzi
WSAKE Dec 07, 2015
best giveaway ever - for sure!
have a lovely pre-christmas time!
Anne | InspireStyling Dec 07, 2015
Oh my, this looks so good!! I can only hope I can reach your level of photography&styling someday! And I LOVE those wooden cake stands, so I agree.. best giveaway ever!
Have a wonderful December! :)
Anna Dec 07, 2015
Such a pretty cake stand - I would love to win that!
Love Anna
{ Rania Maria Photography } Dec 07, 2015
What a lovey giveaway! I've always found that cake stand to be so beautiful! My email adress is rania[dot]ronntoft[at]gmail[dot]com
Patricia Stein Dec 07, 2015
Eure Pavlova ist ja fast zu schön zum anschneiden, ein richtiges Kunststückchen.
Habt noch eine lichtvolle Adventszeit ihr Lieben⭐
Tori Cooper Dec 07, 2015
This looks wonderful, and so festive for Christmas! Gorgeous photos!
Unknown Dec 07, 2015
Das sieht so toll aus! Ich persönlich muss erstmal am Geschmack meiner Backkreationen arbeiten, ehe ich mich dem Aussehen widmen kann, aber mit eurem wunderbaren Tortenständer sähe wohl selbst ein verbrannter Kuchen annehmbar aus! ;) Liebste Grüße, Tessa
cfimages Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful photographs.
Eten met Emma Dec 07, 2015
Love(!!!) Your blog, and the cakestand!
kuechenherz Dec 07, 2015
Oh, damit habt ihr mich für mein Weihnachtsdessert inspiriert, Pavlova mit Pistaziencreme, dazu noch salziges Caramell :-)
Ye Olde Kitchen Dec 07, 2015
Die Pavlova sieht wunderbar aus! Und so ein super schöner Tortenständer dazu! Den hätten wir gern.
Grüße aus Ye Olde Kitchen, Eva und Philipp
Rakhee@Boxofspice Dec 07, 2015
What a beautiful post. I just love the pavlova with the candied citrus.Not much a fan of pavlova but this is such a good idea. And if you say hazlenut anything, you'll have me running over! Gorgeous pictures as always. <3
zita fox Dec 07, 2015
That stand is so beautiful, I love it!!!
Antonella Dec 07, 2015
Hach wie wundervoll und Glückwunsch zum eigenen Produkt! <3 Das würde sich super toll in meinem Schrank machen!
MCNK Dec 07, 2015
Send it to Vilnius!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Das Rezept klingt fantastisch und würde auf dem Giveaway auf meiner Weihnachtstafel glänzen
Einen schönen Advent
Maria (
Butter und Zucker Dec 07, 2015
oh ja, das wär was. fingers crossed :-)
Lili Dec 07, 2015
Everything is so perfect about these photos, the styling, the light, that cake!
Hortensia Pink Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful cake and cake stand!
Hortensia Pink Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful cake and cake stand!
Unknown Dec 07, 2015
Love what you do, always!
Haute Sucre Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful post!❤
Eloïse Terrier Dec 07, 2015
I like watching and trying some of your recipe. I would like so much win this gift !!
Have a nice day!!
Eloïse (
Madeline Hall Dec 07, 2015
These photos are stunning as always! I especially love the candied orange and lemon slices.
Straw Heels Dec 07, 2015
Mmmmm delicious cake and gorgeous stand! Would love to win please and thank you! X
MissMolvik Dec 07, 2015
This cake looks magical! I love it ♡♡♡
Unknown Dec 07, 2015
I love it, so beautiful!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Andria Pandria Dec 07, 2015
I love your beautifully photographed and delicious gluten free recipes. I look forward to trying this :)
RosalieCorinne Dec 07, 2015
This looks delicious and I would love to be considered for the lovely cake stand!
Thank you!
Andria Pandria Dec 07, 2015
I love your beautifully photographed and delicious gluten free recipes. I look forward to trying this :)
Utari Kennedy Dec 07, 2015
To read your article, is one of the good things about Monday.
The cake and the photo styling are captivating and inspiring. Keep the good works!
Unknown Dec 07, 2015
Love this pavlova ! :-)
Dania Dec 07, 2015
So wunderschön - sowohl die weihnachtliche Pavlova und eure Fotos, als auch der tolle Tortenständer!
Dania (
RosalieCorinne Dec 07, 2015
This looks delicious! I would love to be considered for the lovely cake stand.
Thank you and keep up the beautiful work!
sAllY Dec 07, 2015
Stunning recipe & cake stand! ✨ Keep up the good work!
@saljun :
Utari Kennedy Dec 07, 2015
To read your article, is one of the good things about Monday.
The cake and the photo styling are captivating and inspiring. Keep the good works!
G Dec 07, 2015
Maaru Dec 07, 2015
Im in love with all your food and photos! Thanks for inspiring me !
Edward Dec 07, 2015
Lovely Pavlova!❤️ Always stunning as usual, Nora & Laura.
G Dec 07, 2015
Andria Pandria Dec 07, 2015
I love your beautifully photographed and delicious gluten free recipes. I look forward to making this :)
Sarah Nicole Snyder Dec 07, 2015
Lovely cake and lovely stand. I would adore displaying cakes on one.
AlMa Dec 07, 2015
Love Love Love this recipe! here is my email:
Alicia Tejada
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
I love your Instagram/ blog, the photos are amazing and all the food looks delicious.
Lovely giveaway you are having!
Nurul Nabila Nasuha Dec 07, 2015
Perfectly captured pictures, love them💕💕 (nnabilanasuha@gmailcom)
Dania Dec 07, 2015
So wunderschön - sowohl die weihnachtliche Pavlova und eure Fotos, als auch der tolle Tortenständer!
Dania (
Nurul Nabila Nasuha Dec 07, 2015
Perfectly captured pictures, love them ����
Nurul Nabila Nasuha Dec 07, 2015
Perfectly captured pictures, love them 💕💕
Angela Sackett Dec 07, 2015
Just breathtaking. Your food, your capture of light, the stand, it makes me want to cozy up and share stories over the yummy-ness... - thank you!!! :)
Nurul Nabila Nasuha Dec 07, 2015
Perfectly captured pictures, love them💕💕 (nnabilanasuha@gmailcom)
Lina Skukauskė Dec 07, 2015
So beautiful!
Olga Trukhan Dec 07, 2015
trukhan.olga@gmail.con thank you for all)
Clara Dec 07, 2015
Brilliant giveaway, I would give my twitter handle to contact me, if I were to win: @temesed
Ana Dec 07, 2015
Looks amazing! 😍
This would be a perfect birthday gift for me😍
Danny Dec 07, 2015
Love that cake stand!
Sonjasahneschnitte Dec 07, 2015
Hallo ihr lieben,
da muss ich doch mein Glück versuchen :)
Tolle Bilder!
Süße Grüße,
Lilli und Lotta Dec 07, 2015
Wow, die Pavlova sieht ja gigantisch aus!
Ganz zauberhaft!
Liebe Grüße
Danny Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful cake stand! I would love to use it to display baked goods!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Thank You!!!
My mail
Maroussia Berthier Dec 07, 2015
I love your blog and your inspiring pictures and recipes, especially since it's gluten free and vegan. Your instagram feed alwzys brightens my day!
My mail :
Thanks for this giveway,
Xoxo from Paris
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Love the styling and photography pf every picture. Would be an honour to have this cakestand.
Lots of Love from India
Edward Dec 07, 2015
Lovely Pavlova! ❤️ Always stunning as usual, Nora & Laura!
Rafaela Dec 07, 2015
I'm in :)
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
amazing! obsessed with you guys and your creations and lighting.. please adopt me! if not im also very very happy with the awesome cake stand!
Naadiya Vania Dec 07, 2015
I'm salivating as I type!
Noreen Dec 07, 2015
I've been searching for a stand like this! My email is:
Kitchen Hoopla Dec 07, 2015
Wunderschöne Bilder, wie immer - so stimmungsvoll.
Patricia Dec 07, 2015
Stunning!! Love the light and the styling! Would be so happy to win a cake stand :)
Olga Trukhan Dec 07, 2015
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
psychosugarcube Dec 07, 2015
I would love to create and serve something beautifully tasty on this stand :) :) :)
Sandy Dec 07, 2015
Wow this looks amazing!
Danny Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful Pavlova and a beautiful cake stand!
Sandy Dec 07, 2015
Wow this looks amazing!
Anastasia Yusupova Dec 07, 2015
↞So in love with this atmosphere↠
faye + haley Dec 07, 2015
This looks AMAZING!!! Merry Christmas!
Fanny Dec 07, 2015
Wow that's a beautiful cake and it looks so good on that lovley cake stand! I would love to win one! Email
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Love this pavlova! :-)
died Dec 07, 2015
Your bakes always look so amazing! x
Thank you so much!!
Leslie Flogerzi Dec 07, 2015
I've never had this before but it looks so beautiful that I'm actually going to make it!
The cake stand is gorgeous!
Mugmela Dec 07, 2015
Love this!
Anastasia Yusupova Dec 07, 2015
So in love with this atmosphere ✨
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Lovely cake stand! Especially with those charismatic cakes on it! 💙🍰
Olga Trukhan Dec 07, 2015
Carla Borderies Dec 07, 2015
Love your blog and as a person who bakes a lot, I get very inspired with the food you make! The cake stand is beautiful and would go very well in my kitchen ;)
Unknown Dec 07, 2015
I would love to create some beautiful cakes on that stand.
MissMolvik Dec 07, 2015
This cake is gorgeous! I love it!!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Hurray for this!!!! Such a lovely site
LaUrA Dec 07, 2015
Really beautiful creation! Cake stand is just perfect for it! ��
Carla Borderies Dec 07, 2015
Your blog is amazing, and as a person who bakes a lot, I get very inspired by your food! The cake stand is beautiful, and would go very nicely in my kitchen ;)
sAllY Dec 07, 2015
Stunning recipe & cake stand! ✨ Keep up the good work!
@saljun :
Andria Pandria Dec 07, 2015
I love your beautifully photographed and delicious gluten free recipes. I look forward to trying this one :)
cucinadigioia Dec 07, 2015
Wunderschön! Looks very delicious and beautiful,
Monica Resende Dec 07, 2015
Wanna Pavlova in Brasil.. xxx
nelia abreu Dec 07, 2015
Love this!!! can't wait to bake!
Pace Valeria Dec 07, 2015
From Paris with love, I hope to be the lucky one !
Maria Heldakova Dec 07, 2015
Wow, this looks delicious. Great giveaway!!!
Unknown Dec 07, 2015
I'm obsessed with your account and website, and now snapchat :) You are magical, your creations and your photos!!
Will try to make this cake, and would loooove to win the cake stand so I can put it there as well :)
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
You have a great instagram!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Love Love Love your blog and instagram!!!
argbetrunken Dec 07, 2015
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
your photos and food are awesome!!!
wanna win your cake - stands
my email -
Patrícia Dec 07, 2015
you guys are just amazing! love your work! you've been an inspiration
and I love that cake stand since I saw it in September
what a lovely giveaway!
regards from Portugal :)
Nastya Bobrovskaya Dec 07, 2015
your photos and food are awesome!!!
wanna win your cake - stands
my email -
cucinadigioia Dec 07, 2015
Wunderschön! Looks very delicious and beautiful,
nelia abreu Dec 07, 2015
Love this!!!! can't wait to bake!!!
Les Amapoles Dec 07, 2015
Amazing as always. Can't wait to give it a try and make this myself this weekend ❤️
I would love to win this btw
Jane Lock Dec 07, 2015
I almost never make cakes. But when I do I'd love to have a wooden stand to present it on!
Dorota Dudek-Thien Dec 07, 2015
Gorgeous photography, as always!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
I'd love to win this:). I love wood (and food, ofcourse)! (paulien_van_hoogen at hotmail dot com)
Hadeel Omer Dec 07, 2015
You have such a beautiful blog (and Instagram feed :)). Your recipes and photographs constantly make me drool...
I'd be honoured to win the cake stand! Here's my email address:
Thank you.
Ashleigh Henwood Dec 07, 2015
This would be absolutely perfect for our wedding cake. It's gorgeous ❤️
afponygirl Dec 07, 2015
This looks stunning, merry Christmas
afponygirl Dec 07, 2015
Looks amazing, merry Christmas
Julita Dec 07, 2015
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
I love your pictures and of course also you recieps sooo much <3
AFKES Dec 07, 2015
I would love to win this cake stand. It's beautiful even without cake on top :)
greetings Afke and from the Netherlands
Subarkoe Dec 07, 2015
New Zealands National Dessert!
Makes me think of Christmas on the beach! ☀️⭐️
I would like to win the cake plate:
Merry Christmas!
Subarkoe Dec 07, 2015
New Zealands National Dessert!
Makes me think of Christmas on the beach! ☀️⭐️
I would like to win the cake plate:
Greetings from Budapest!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Das rezept sieht so toll aus! Und ich such noch ein Dessert für morgen... da kann ich das auch gleich mal ausprobieren :)
Peekaboo Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful!!! <3
liz Dec 07, 2015
love your beautiful photos on instagram. i'm starting to bake more and would love this stand to display my cakes on!
liz Dec 07, 2015
enjoy all your beautiful photos on instagram. i'm starting to bake more and would love this stand to display my cakes on!
Naomi le Loux Dec 07, 2015
Looks delectable, will certainly make an attempt haha!
The cake stand is absolutely beautiful, it would certainly give my cakes an extra flare.
All the love,
Martine Dec 07, 2015
Thea Yagerlener Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful as always (
Thea Yagerlener Dec 07, 2015
Beautiful as always! (
Les Amapoles Dec 07, 2015
Love this! Can't wait to give it a try this weekend. Looks delicious.
I would love to win this btw
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! ;)
Detailliebe Dec 07, 2015
Die Fotos sind wieder so toll ❤️ Und der Cakestand natürlich auch- da versuche ich sehr gerne mein Glück :).
Liebe Grüße,
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
ourfoodstories, you are beautiful!
Suus from Food Bandits Dec 07, 2015
Well this is a give away to my heart, love the cake stand you have designed. Would love to win this one and otherwise i will have to make and enjoy this pretty pavlova without it.
Liefs Suus
Dani F Dec 07, 2015
Bitte Bitte! Ihr seid die Besten <3
danielle at ualberta dot ca
the reading hausfrau Dec 07, 2015
Schönster cake stand ever!
Anna drimvic Dec 07, 2015
oh, such a beautiful give away, i love this cake stand, thank you so much!
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
All look so delicious! Love it!
Katie Mitchell Dec 07, 2015
Clara Hutzler Dec 07, 2015
Thank you for this beautiful post and recipe! I love how festive and delicious everything looks. I recently started baking again (i usually stick to cookies) but this post inspires me to challenge myself.. i'm sure it'll be worth the reward. ;)
i love the cake stand too!
H U U S M A N N Dec 07, 2015
The best looking cake stand I have seen for a long time!
Mary Dec 07, 2015
Hi Laura and Nora -
The Pavlova looks amazing and I plan to make a version for Christmas Eve when we have an open house at the cottage.
I'm so happy to find your beautiful blog - the recipes sound awesome and the photography is so creative and gorgeous. I will be visiting here often - your posts make me feel happy.
The cake stand is different in wood but very attractive, it would certainly be a great conversation piece no matter what delight is served on it! I love to bake, mostly French style cakes with less sugar, ground almonds, fresh fruits etc. I want to try many of your recipes in the coming months.
Sending blessings for the Holidays - I know people must love to visit you with such delicious food being offered!
Mary (a Brit in America!)
Dagmar Jónasdóttir Dec 07, 2015
Amazing photos, recipy and cake stand.
Quick question: what is it you have tattooed on your right arm?
Haasofrachel Dec 07, 2015
Love these photos! That Pavlova makes a wonderfull statement for a holiday party. So festive and the wooden cake stand make everything so much more elegant. I hope you are having a lovely week! -
Claudia Dec 07, 2015
I loooooove your style, all the food you make and the way you present it. And all the "making of" on Snapchat. I will leave my email just in case I win ;)
Anonym Dec 07, 2015
Was für ein märchenhafter Kuchen und der mit Abstand schönste Kuchenständer, den ich je gesehen habe!
Würde mich riesig freuen wenn meine Kuchen auf solch einem Kuchständer trohnen dürften!!!
Tolle Arbeit und toller Blog!
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz!
Ingrid - let's talk evergreen Dec 07, 2015
I really love how you guys always pay so much attention to detail. That is why you end up everytime with such a beautiful dish. I'd love to win this cake stand, because I've been looking for a long time for a wooden one. My email is xo
Sabine Dec 08, 2015
liebe laura, liebe nora,
ich finde ernsthaft unfassbar, wie ihr von woche zu woche dermaßen stet die appetitlichsten, traumhaftesten backwunder anrichten könnt. niemals dürfte in meinem haushalt eine so göttlich aussehende pavlova angeschnitten werden.
danke für das teilhaben lassen.
viele grüße,
dbalyoz Dec 08, 2015
oh my goodness, you are geniuses at turning food into beauty. Love the textures in this cake...and the cake stand too! Thank you...and happy Advent!
Sveta Treivus Dec 08, 2015
happy christmass !!
Mary christina elsa Dec 08, 2015
Wonderful recipe! I am for sure making this on Christmas. My family would love it very much! And really hope I could get that very pretty Cake stand. I really love it. 😚
Mary Christina, :)
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
Baking Love from Singapore!
Sophie | The Green Life Dec 08, 2015
I can't get over how stunning your styling and photography is!! You two ladies are so talented and inspiring! And this cake stand is such a beauty. Wonderful. <3 xo
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
Your talent shines in every post! Thank you for delighting us with your lovely creations.
Sonia Dec 08, 2015
I'm stumbled upon your blog today and so glad I did.
That is one great looking cake stand, I'll be so elated if I win it!
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
dreyrox Dec 08, 2015
Omg it looks so good!!
The Bakeanista Dec 08, 2015
The cake stand is so so beautiful! I've been looking for a wooden one for ages but haven't yet found one that I like. This is simply perfect! Seriously good work with the stunning design, and thank you for running this generous giveaway! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. xx Michelle
Satine Dec 08, 2015
Warm wishes from Ruxi (Seoul)
[ ]
Stephanie Young Dec 08, 2015
This is amazing 💜
Would love your cake stand
La Petite Gallery Dec 08, 2015
This is wonderful and I am going to give it a shot, for Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas. Thank you Marsha..
kodi star Dec 08, 2015
This looks delicious, I will make in for Christmas in Australia
Camille Conanan Dec 08, 2015
Always such great food photos!!!
Melissa Lim Dec 08, 2015
That's a beautiful cake stand and I'd love to give it a home in Singapore where I live ❤️
I really enjoy reading your blog and trying out your recipes too. Thank you for bringing more than a slice of kitchen goodness to my life.
Here's wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas season! May it be one filled with love, joy and warmth!
Melissa (in Singapore)
Unknown Dec 08, 2015
I would love to be able to place a cake on one of these beautiful stands. Lovely. chefmichelle at gmail dot com
Agnes {Cashew Kitchen} Dec 08, 2015
Gosh that orange and star anise syrup sounds divine! And the sugared cranberries too. As always, your photography and styling is simply perfect <3<3<3 have a lovely week guys!
xo Agnes
Ivana Dec 08, 2015
Happy holidays! :)
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
Looks amazing! Keep the good work.
Acf57 Dec 08, 2015
Absolutely stunning photos, the pictures themselves are a feast for the eyes. My first visit but certainly not my last.
Magda Lu Dec 08, 2015
Amazing as always!
It would be a lovely present for my upcoming birthday so I can place a birthday cake on it... :)
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
Just found your website and I'm wondering why I didn't see it earlier :)
Great pictures, great cake stand!
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
Great looking pavlova and that wood cake stand is just a dream! Well done guys!
Cooking with the cat Dec 08, 2015
beautiful cake!
CJ Dec 08, 2015
I really love the oranges, them look so yummy~
Najoud Al-Jabri Dec 08, 2015
Amazing cake! I actually coinsidentally made my own batch of candied oranges today! ☺️☺️ Would love to win! Here's my email
Anonym Dec 08, 2015
Beautiful/stunning - photos - cake - stand - oh to be so talented!
Sharon Dec 08, 2015
I LOVE this cake stand, wow it's beautiful. Thank you for always sharing such inspiring photos, I always look and sometime I attempt too.
Virginija Dec 08, 2015
Looks fabulous..! Will try the recipe. Can almost smell Christmas..:))
Best wishes from Lithuania,
Laura Dec 08, 2015
This cake looks amazing - photos are gorgeous. I must try those sugared cranberries ! x
Noor Al-Ansari Dec 09, 2015
Awesome..... Wanna actually make one and place on the cake plate myself ��
Modest Muses Dec 09, 2015
Absolutely stunning photography and a beautifully crafted cake stand!
Anonym Dec 09, 2015
Amanda Todd Dec 09, 2015
Last year I did a home photo shoot with my husband and I wanted to make a cake for those photos but I couldn't find a cake stand that I loved and within my price range. A year later I still have no cake stand. This one is beautiful and would love the opportunity to win it!
Kir Bug Dec 09, 2015 😉👍👏👏
Katie M Dec 09, 2015
Such a gorgeous cake, and the flavours sound absolutely divine. I've never made a pavlova before, but I just might try out this recipe this holiday season :)
Dora Csima Dec 09, 2015
Just amazing, would love to try it out:)
Christinachaos Dec 09, 2015
Laura & Nora Pavlova, way better than anything I ever tried (👋🏼 Eton Mess)
Jenny Wikström Dec 09, 2015
Such a b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l cakestand!! I would love to have it in my home. Love your instagram btw, your posts makes my day!
Margaret Wiss Dec 09, 2015
This will be a holiday tradition!
Margaret Wiss Dec 09, 2015
Can't wait to try this recipe when I get home!!!! Perfection.
Dzesika Kulpyte Dec 09, 2015
Definitely making this for Christmas! It's beautiful!
Unknown Dec 09, 2015
Wow - this is pavlova heaven! So inspiring. Beautiful cake, stand, and photos!
ding Dec 09, 2015
had been following your instagram for a while and so in love with all the lovely recipes! can't wait for your next post :)
karolina Dec 09, 2015
Nów I feel the holidays! Stunning and probably delicious! Email:
houseno44 Dec 09, 2015
wunderbar, Weihnachten kann kommen
Liebe Grüße, dragana
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
vielen lieben dank kat, das freut uns sehr <3
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
thank you :)
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
yay, happy to hear that <3 same to you!!
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
das freut uns riesig!! liebsten dank dir franzi <3
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
liebsten dank dir patricia <3
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
thank you so much!! good luck <3
_our food stories_ Dec 09, 2015
thank you anna, good luck to you :*
Cristina Rose Dec 10, 2015
this is so darling. and thoughtful.
Anonym Dec 10, 2015
It looks delicious! Great giveaway.
Anonym Dec 10, 2015
I really love your recipes and creations. You're artists, you're amazing!
blankgenerationn Dec 10, 2015
I'm entering this beautifully handmade giveaway because I love to bake for my family and this would be great to showcase my efforts. Please pick me to win this gorgeous cake stand by NutsAndWoods. My email address is
Cath R Dec 10, 2015
I think I might make this pavlova for Christmas Day!
Дарья Белова Dec 10, 2015
It's a perfect cake!😍
Laura Biscaro Dec 10, 2015
Crazy beautiful cake stand, girls!! *-*
Anonym Dec 10, 2015
Meine beste Freundin aus Australien hat die erste Pavlova für mich gebacken. Mit diesem Rezept werde ich mich nun bei ihr revanchieren. Es wäre toll, wenn ich dazu den schönen Tortenständer hätte. Danke für das Rezept. Liebe Grüße verena verhora@hotmaildotcom
Gerben Dec 10, 2015
Dear cake stand,
You're flantastically well crafted. Please stand by me this Christmas, while I'm watching Bridget Scones' Diary for the fourth time or read The Catcher in the Pie on Christmas day.
g.vdzwaard [at]
Jorge Dec 10, 2015
Such an amazing recipe. Lecker!
Ophélie L. Dec 10, 2015
Such a wonderful post, incredibles photos ;-) try to win the fabulous cake stand ! Have a good day.
Lisa Langen Dec 11, 2015
Tolles Rezept der Pavlova. Die wird Weihnachten auf meinem Tisch stehen.
In den Lostopf hüpfe ich auch.
LG und eine schöne Adventszeit
Louise | Cygnet Kitchen Dec 13, 2015
This is the most gorgeous pavlova, the sugared cranberry and orange topping is so beautifully festive. It goes without saying that I would adore one of your cake stands! <3 xx
Anonym Dec 13, 2015
Tolles Rezept und tolle Fotos, eine Augenweide (Heide, Leipzig)
Anonym Dec 13, 2015
Guten Abend😃
Eure Bilder sagen immer mehr als Worte und Gedanken es je in einer Sprache beschreiben könnten! Wundervoll! Ich wünsche euch einen schönen dritten Advent! Vlg Tine he
Sahnebomber at Yahoo Punkt de
janubet Dec 13, 2015
Ich glaube ich muss mich doch mal an einer Pavlova versuchen. Danke für die Inspiration.
Viele Grüße
natalie Dec 13, 2015
Wow, it looks amazing!
Anonym Dec 31, 2015
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful pavlova. It's my favorite dessert, I am making it all the time, but your decoration is what I am going to use for this New Year party!!! Happy New Year!
Danielle White Dec 04, 2018
I will be DEFINITELY be making this ... delicious !!!!!
Amy Dec 04, 2018
Love love love everything u guys do!!!! Will try out the recipe and fingers crossed, maybe I winnnn🤞🏼 I bake a lot and new accessories are always welcome and needed.
Monika Johansson Dec 04, 2018
Pavlova är den ultimata efterrätten och den här juliga som ni har gjort låter som en jättegott sätt att variera den nu i december:)
Ni gör fantastiska bilder och bjuder på så bra och grön inspiration. Tack!
Wa Dec 04, 2018
Always love what you guys are doing!
Amy Dec 05, 2018
I can't wait to try this recipe.
Marie-Gabrielle Dec 05, 2018
I love your cake stand! And your recipes and pictures!
Sophie Dalglish Dec 11, 2020
My love of pavlova’s now reaches a new high, thank you. Yet more incredibly inspiring, beautiful work.
Rebecca Pitt Dec 12, 2020
As an Aussie living in Sweden, Christmas Day just hasn’t been the same without a pav... until now! I can’t wait to whip up this dessert on Christmas Day and share with all of my expat friends a little taste of Christmas down under (with your spicy twist of course)!
Marilyn Dec 12, 2020
I love pavlova and this sounds so delicious!
marilyntea at gmail dot com
Diane Dec 17, 2020
Gorgeous cake and cake stand!
Katie Bennett Nov 30, 2021
I am always so inspired by your recipes and your photography - thank you!
Ineke Philips Nov 30, 2021
What a festive way of getting in the mood for christmas! Such a beautiful picture; almost to nice to eat! Sharing cooking and eating, that is what christmas is about!