Gluten-free and Vegan Matcha-Coconut-Tart
Today we want to share the recipe for a very delicious gluten-free and vegan matcha tart with you and also our second advent give-away!
I was never a really big fan of matcha. But when Nora tried the one from Paper & Tea (we’ve already told you about our favorite tea brand Paper & Tea in this post) she convinced me to give it another try and i LOVED it! Since then we are enjoying a matcha latte every day (instead of drinking too much coffee) and I love this new ritual. But first of all: thank you so much for participating in our first advent give-away last weekend. We will contact the winner via mail later tonight. And for everyone who wasn’t lucky enough, here we have our second exciting advent give-away: You can win this beautiful Matcha Starter Kit from Paper & Tea. All you have to do is write a comment under this blogpost. The give-away is worldwide and you can comment until next saturday. We will contact the winner via mail on sunday the 3rd advent. Good luck everyone!!
And if you love matcha as much as we do lately, you could also bake this delicious gluten-free and vegan matcha-coconut-tart with your matcha starter kit! It has the perfect texture and taste (not too sweet, but also not bitter at all) and it’s also refined sugar free. We enjoyed a piece in our favorite bedroom corner in the countryside after the shooting and a second piece with our dear neighbours and friends Rahel and Anita in the evening! With christmas music and snow outside and lot’s of burning candels it really was a cozy weekend, even if there was a lot of work to do next to it! We hope you will love our delicious gluten-free and vegan matcha-coconut tart as much as we do. And if you fell in love with the ceramics we used for this shoot – they are from the talented Sinikka Harms, check out her work if you are crazy about beautiful tableware and ceramics as well 🙂
Gluten-free and Vegan Matcha-Coconut-Tart
Ingredients for a 22-24cm tart pan
- 10 soft, dried dates (the best one therefor are Medjool dates)
- 150g cashews
- 50g pumpkin seeds
- 50g sesame seeds
- 3 tsp cinnamon
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 tbsp coconut oil (or margarine or similar)
- 1 tbsp matcha
- 375g coconut yogurt (or whipped coconut cream from coconut milk, then you´ll probably need 1-2 large cans – and if you are not vegan, then you can take whipped cream as well)
- 60g maple syrup
- 100ml coconut milk (or another plant milk)
- 1 pinch vanilla
- Agar-Agar (enough for 500ml liquid)
- a bit Matcha
- coconut flakes
- pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds
- thai basil
For the matcha-coconut-tart you´ll need a tart pan with removable bottom, otherwise use a regular springform pan. Prepare the date-cashew-crust: melt the coconut oil and brush the tart pan thoroughly, then flour it a bit and place it in the fridge. Now roast the cashews and pumpkin seeds in a pan (without oil), then blend them in a mixer to very small pieces. Roast the sesame seeds and add them to the mixture. Stir in the cinnamon and salt. Afterwards pit the dates and mash them with a fork or similar, then add them to the dry ingredients and knead everything for a few minutes. Now divide the bulk into a few parts, flatten every part with your hands and press some onto the bottom of your tart pan, the rest press onto the sides (if you place your fingers in water once a while the crust won´t be so sticky). Leave the crust in the fridge and prepare the matcha-coconut-filling. Sieve 1 tbsp matcha to the coconut yogurt and stir in thoroughly, then stir in the maple syrup and vanilla. Chill the cream for a moment in the fridge. Pour the coconut milk into a small pot, stir in the agar-agar and boil for 1 minute (or described on the packing instructions) and stir constantly. Fill the mix quickly in a mixing bowl and fold in the matcha coconut yogurt in 4 portions with a whisk. Then fill the matcha coconut yogurt into the tart pan and spread evenly with a tablespoon. Chill the matcha-coconut-tart for at least 2 hours in the fridge. Just before serving dust a bit of matcha on top and decorate with coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and a few thai basil leaves.
German Translation
Heute haben wir eine köstliche glutenfreie und vegane Matcha-Kokos-Tarte für Euch und unser zweites Advents-Give-Away! Ich war eigentlich nie ein besonders großer Fan von Matcha. Aber als Nora den Matcha von Paper & Tea probiert hat (wir haben Euch unsere liebste Tee-Firma Paper & Tea bereits in diesem Post vorgestellt) hat es ihr so gut geschmeckt, dass sie mich überzeugt hat, Matcha noch mal eine Chance zu geben. Und siehe da – ich war hin und weg! Seit dem trinken wir jeden Tag einen Matcha-Latte (als Erstaz für zu viel Kaffee) und ich liebe dieses kleine Ritual sehr! Aber nun zum Give-Away. Erstmal: habt vielen Dank für Eure Teilnahme an unserem ersten Advents-Give-Away letzen Sonntag. Der Gewinner/die Gewinnerin wird heute Abend via Mail benachrichtigt. Wenn Ihr dabei kein Glück hattet, kommt heute Eure nächste Chance: Ihr könnt dieses wunderbare Matcha Starter Kit von Paper & Tea gewinnen! Alles was Ihr tun müsst, ist unter diesem Post einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen. Das Give-Away gilt weltweit und läuft bis nächsten Samstag. Am Sonntag, den dritten Advent, kontaktieren wir wie gehabt die Gewinnerin/den Gewinner via Mail. Wir wünschen Euch allen viel Glück Ihr Lieben!!
Und wenn Ihr auch so große Matcha Fans wie wir momentan seid, könnt Ihr mit Eurem Matcha Starter Kit gleich auch diese köstliche glutenfreie und vegane Matcha-Kokos-Tarte backen. Wir lieben die Textur und der Geschmack ist nicht zu süß und dank des wunderbaren Matcha-Pulvers auch überhaupt nicht bitter. Die Tart ist frei von raffiniertem Zucker aber definitiv süß genug! Nach dem Shooting haben wir ein Stück in einer unserer Lieblingsecken (im Schlafzimmer am Fenster) in unserem Studio auf dem Land genossen. Abends kamen dann noch unsere guten Freunde und Nachbarn Rahel und Anita und der Matcha Genuss ging in die zweite Runde! Mit Weihnachtsmusik im Hintergrund, dem zweiten Schnee draußen und vielen Kerzen war es wirklich ein wunderbares und entspanntes Wochenende und das obwohl nebenher noch reichlich Arbeit zu erledigen war. Wir hoffen Ihr lasst Euch diese köstliche Matcha-Kokos-Tarte genauso gut schmecken. Und wenn Euch die Keramik die wir für diesen Post benutzt haben, genauso gut gefällt wie uns, dann schaut Euch unbedingt mal die wunderschönen Sachen von der talentierten Sinikka Harms an, ein kleiner Geheimtipp für alle Fans von besonderem Geschirr und Keramik!
Glutenfreie und vegane Matcha-Kokos-Tarte
Zutaten für eine 22-24cm Tarteform
- 10 weiche getrocknete Datteln (am besten die Sorte Medjool, die sind schön weich)
- 150g Cashews
- 50g Kürbiskerne
- 50g Sesam
- 3 TL Zimt
- 1 Prise Salz
- 1 EL Kokosöl (oder Margarine o.ä.)
- 1 EL Matcha
- 375g Kokosjoghurt (oder aufgeschlagene Kokossahne aus Kokosmilch verwenden, dann braucht man wahrscheinlich 1-2 große Kokosmilchdosen – eine nicht vegane Alternative ist natürlich auch aufgeschlagene Schlagsahne)
- 60g Ahornsirup
- 100ml Kokosmilch (oder eine andere Pflanzenmilch)
- 1 gute Prise Vanille
- Agar-Agar (genug für 500ml Flüssigkeit)
- Matchapulver
- Kokosflocken
- Kürbiskerne und Sesam
- Thaibasilikum
Für die Matcha-Kokos-Tarte eine Tarteform mit herausnehmbarem Boden oder ansonsten einfach eine Springform verwenden. Zunächst den Dattel-Cashew-Boden vorbereiten: das Kokosöl (die 1 EL) schmelzen und die Tarteform gründlich einpinseln, etwas mehlen und in den Kühlschrank stellen, bis der Dattel-Cashew-Teig vorbereitet ist. Zuerst die Kürbiskerne und die Cashews in einer Pfanne (ohne Öl) rösten, dann in einem Mixer o.ä. zu sehr kleinen Stückchen zerkleinern. Danach den Sesam rösten und zu der Mischung geben. Zimt und Salz ebenfalls untermischen. Anschliessend die Datteln entkernen und mit einer Gabel o.ä. zerdrücken, dann zu den trockenen Zutaten geben und für ein paar Minuten gut unterkneten. Jetzt den Teig in mehrere Portionen teilen, mit der flachen Hand flachdrücken und auf dem Boden und am Rand der Tarteform verteilen und andrücken (die Finger mit etwas Wasser benetzen, dann klebt der Teig nicht so sehr). Den fertigen Boden in den Kühlschrank stellen und die Matcha-Kokos-Füllung vorbereiten. 1 EL Matcha zum Kokosjoghurt sieben und gründlich einrühren, dann den Ahornsirup und die Vanille einrühren. Kurz in den Kühlschrank stellen. Die 100ml Kokosmilch in einen kleinen Topf giessen und das Agar einrühren, dann unter ständigem Rühren 1 Minute (oder was auf der Packunganleitung steht) aufkochen. Zügig die Masse in eine Rührschüssel füllen und den Matcha-Kokos-Joghurt in 4 Portionen mit einem Rührbesen unterheben. Die Masse nun in in die Tarteform füllen und mit einem Esslöffel gleichmäßig verstreichen. Die Matcha-Kokos-Tarte für mindestens 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen. Zum Schluß die Matcha-Kokos-Tarte mit einem Hauch Matcha, Kokosflocken, Kürbiskernen, Sesam und ein paar Blättern Thaibasilikum dekorieren.
Rymen Jana Dec 10, 2017
Would love to have this set! It’s such pretty ceramics and I always love my matcha tea on a cold day. My daddy too btw! <3
I am a stylist as well and I like to collect beautiful ceramics from all over the world!
Valerie Dec 10, 2017
Oh wie lecker sieht die Tarte aus :) so ein schönes Matchaset würde mir die Weihnachtszeit sicherlich versüßen! Viele Grüße
Zuzu Jaz Dec 10, 2017
Die Torte sieht so krass lecker aus. Und Thaibasililum als Topping klingt auch richtig gut! Ich frage mich, ob man zu dem Bodenmix auch Haferflocken hinzufügen kann, dass es ein wenig wie ein Granolabar schmeckt?!
Rio Ramadhani Dec 10, 2017
Wow!! Thanks for the recipe, i will follow step-by-step. I love Matcha so much anyway.
Laura Derst Dec 10, 2017
Ich probiere auch gerade meinen Kaffeekonsum durch einen Matcha-Latte am Tag zumindest eeeetwas einzuschränken. Würde mich über dieses Set also riesig freuen :-)
Weiter so, ihr Lieben!
Maria Schneider Dec 10, 2017
Ohhh toll!
Da mache ich sehr gerne mit, habe nämlich noch nie Matcha getrunken!
Viele liebe Grüße
Anna Dec 10, 2017
I would love to win this to give it to my intern who loves matcha and is doing a great job. This would be a perfect christmas present.
Alyssa Dec 10, 2017
I’m almost embarrassed to say I’ve never had matcha before! What am I even doing with my life?!
Your tart is absolutely gorgeous, and perhaps the perfect introductory matcha recipe for me :) thanks for sharing!
Carrie Dec 10, 2017
Beautiful in every way.
Dorothy Dec 10, 2017
I have never tried matcha before. What better way to than with this set! Let's hope I'm lucky! The tart looks delicious!
Sofya Dec 10, 2017
Thank you for this amazing cake! Marcha love + your magic pictures = unbelievable pleasure:)
Miri Dec 10, 2017
Matcha-Tee ist einfach herrlich! Vor allem für jemanden der keinen Kaffee trinkt eine schöne Abwechslung zum Kräutertee! :)
Mirkka Dec 10, 2017
I love matcha, so I will definitely try the recipe and hope to win!!
Tanja Jakovoska Dec 10, 2017
Thank you for such inspiring and enjoyable feed, both with recipes and photos. Keep up the great work!
Greetings from Stockholm & happy holidays!
Daniela Constantini Dec 10, 2017
Ever since the weather changed the time I spend in my apartment has increased; all I do is drinking tea and coffee, and dream of baked treats. I can relate to you, Laura, I was never that much into matcha. It all changed when I was visiting my cousin Isabel in California, a few years back. She had to leave home really early and when I woke up I found she had left me a nice cup o matcha for me to enjoy in the morning, while she was gone. Ever since I appreciate matcha, it reminds me of her, and it's like being with her despite the distance.
Hannes Dec 10, 2017
Wuhuuuu. Ich liebe Paper&TEA.!
Valentin Rudloff Dec 10, 2017
Letzte Woche war ich auch im Paper & Tea Store in Charlottenburg und ich muss sagen die Leute dort haben Geschmack. Wie dieser Laden eingerichtet ist....einfach nur wundervoll und etwas für das Auge. Ich liebe Matcha und auch ich hatte meine ersten Startschwierigkeiten mit Matcha, aber wie bei so vielem kommt es auch hier auf die Qualität an. Ich würde mich wirklich riesig freuen über dieses Set und wünsche euch eine wundervolle Weihnachtszeit.
Liebe Grüße Valentin ☾
Corla Dec 10, 2017
Wundervolle Aufnahmen, und ein Rezept und Geschirr, das Ruhe und Achtsamkeit bringt. Danke.
Claudia Dec 10, 2017
Hello! This recipe seems delicious, I love tea and I'm so curious to try this cake. Maybe by using the gift of this giveaway. Finger crossed... Have a nice evening! Claudia
Lydia Dec 10, 2017
This tart looks amazing! Love everything Matcha and have been thinking of getting a starter set for a while but can’t decide which one to get. Would be great to start with this set :) happy second Advent!
@thisisflight Dec 10, 2017
This will be a great get well soon treat for my wife I win the match starter kit as she loves having matcha. *crossedfinger Btw, this recipe looks awesome and delish.
Sofia Cesareo Dec 10, 2017
The weather is changing and so our meals and beverages. I have always been a tea and sweets lover and when winter starts I feel the urge to have something that warms my body but most importantly warms up my soul. That is what a love cup of tea and a sweet treat make me feel my soul renergizes and becomes warm again.
Jasmine Griffin Dec 10, 2017
This looks so lovely! Can’t wait to try it!
Sunny Ghotra Dec 10, 2017
You guys are doing amazing, this cake looks awesome. I tried making some matcha/green tea Mochi ice cream last year, and wasn't super impressed with the matcha flavor, but this post has me considering matcha again!! Would be cool if there were some more posts about how you go about styling cakes. These images look awesome!
Nina Neuman Dec 10, 2017
It would be a perfect start for my new life :)
Ana Ribeiro Dec 10, 2017
This is a stunning publication! So pretty, hard and cozy and the set is just perfect
Ana ribeiro - Dec 10, 2017
I mean warm instead of hard :)
Laura Dec 10, 2017
I've only ever tried matcha tea, never in any baked goods. I'd love to try out this recipe. As always beautiful site & Instagram.
Teresa Dec 10, 2017
Ich liebe Matcha und ich liebe Backen :) Mit dem Matcha Kit würde ich das Rezept definitiv mal ausprobieren! Würde mich riesig freuen...
Liebste Grüße
Caro Dec 10, 2017
Wow! Das sieht mal wieder fantastisch aus!!! Ich würde mich wahnsinnig über das Starter Kit freuen, ich habe Matcha dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal in Japan probiert und promt versäumt mir ein Pinselchen mitzubringen.
P.S. Ein klitzekleiner Fehlerteufel hat sich oben in der englischen Zutatenliste eingeschlichen...(Dates statt Cashews) ;)
Einen schönen Abend euch noch,
Liebe Grüße,
Line Dec 10, 2017
Wauw so extraordinarily beatiful! I'd love to win the kit. It would really be a great Christmas gift 🎁
Allison Dec 10, 2017
What an amazingly beautiful matcha tart! I'm a huge matcha lover and would love to win the set.
Rebecca Gill Dec 10, 2017
What a beautiful set, I would love to try this! 😊
Vita Marija Dec 10, 2017
Uuu la la!!! I really want to try:) i'm going to spirulina far in Azores, hope they have were to buy matcha there! Thank you for recipe:)
Tamara Luisa Dec 10, 2017
Das sieht unglaublich gut aus, ich bin ein riesen Matcha Fan! ❤️🍰
Mona Dec 10, 2017
The cashew crust sounds amazing! I've never tried matcha in tea form bevor (only as ice cream) so this starter kit would be so cool to have. Thanks for your recipe and your amazing photography!
Ann Foster Dec 10, 2017
That looks delicious! !
Caitlin Reynolds Dec 10, 2017
I have been following you guys forever! I started taking food photos with inspiration from your shoots. Just moving to Italy it is so hard to find a quality matcha here, let alone a matcha set! I will absolutely try this recipe, looks delicious
Katy Hill Dec 10, 2017
Lately, coffee has made me feel jittery and anxious and sometimes even nauseous. I’ve always had a passion for coffee- the ritual and the artistic creation behind it. So I needed a good substitute to appreciate each morning as I woke up. Matcha has been that warm morning treat I look forward to as I roll out of bed now. Love that I am able to enjoy a rejeuvanating cuppa while still feeling great all day
Liz Ong Dec 10, 2017
Absolutely splendid!! I've been a follower of your blog/Instagram for quite sometime and I absolutely love the fact that you've incorporated matcha into your recipes. Matcha is important in my culture and though I may not be as experienced in baking, I hope that one day I would be able to recreate this and share the goodness with my family :)
Love from Seattle, WA, USA!
Anette Hoeg Nielsen Dec 10, 2017
I love matcha tea💚🍵
Samiya Kashif Dec 10, 2017
I would love to try this matcha tart, one, because it is gluten free and I have been trying to go gluten-free for a few years now, second, because I am a big matcha tea lover, third, because I love how you have photographed it, absolutely in love with this and all your food and countryside photos on Instagram.
Samiya | Inside 21 The Avenue
Elizabeth Geudtner Dec 10, 2017
Ich freue mich auf dieses Rezept! Immer atemberaubende Bilder und wunderbare Rezepte! Love reading in your German and English translations! Keep them coming! ❤️
Elina Dec 10, 2017
this looks like something I would love to try !
Jovan Dec 10, 2017
It looks incredible!! I just have to try it asap! Also, the window shots are so beautiful! You should really post on Insta xxx
Joanna Topolska Dec 10, 2017
This matcha tart looks delicious! I've just started my culinary blog, doing some recipe with matcha would suit it well :)
PS I wish I could take such beautiful photos
Yana Dec 10, 2017
Wow, looks really tasty! Hope to win the prize from you!❤️
Marian B. Dec 10, 2017
This is very exciting, I would love to win. I recently become a matcha lover. Thank you for sharing the recipe and your lifestyle, inspires me a lot.
Pamela Hsu Dec 10, 2017
Ahh, this is beautiful and I love all your compositions matcha or no matcha. If you ever get a chance to participate or witness a tea ceremony, it's a most beautiful event full of esthetics and composition. Merci for all you do!
Stephanie Dec 10, 2017
Ahhhh!!! Lekker!! So want to try this😍🙏
Marian B. Dec 10, 2017
This is very exciting, I would love to win. I recently become a matcha lover too. Thank you for sharing the recipe and your lifestyle, inspires me a lot.
Michaela Bielikova Dec 10, 2017
The set look amazing :-) I love tea but I had never tried matcha. But I would like to :-) and the tart look deliciously. I will try:-) How much of agar agar is enough for this tart?thank you :-)
Olga Vasileva Dec 10, 2017
I am in love with your recipes and your style of photography . You are amazing. I would be hapuppy to win the prize but I know it is almost impossible to win in such competitions but I would try)
Ana Dec 10, 2017
Love the set so much! 💙
Theo Dec 10, 2017
when my girlfriend got a matcha-powder from japan as a birthday present one month ago, she didn´t stop talking about this enjoyable and delicious sensation and also didn´t stop drinking it, but in a normal "pot". She doesn´t know that I know her wishlist for christmas ;-) but as I do, it seems that there is also a matcha-set on it... it would be a wonderful suprise for her and me - to see her face when I tell her, from whom it is - she loves your blog and recipes! Maybe I´ll get such a wonderful tarte? ;-)
Natascha Dec 10, 2017
Hab Matcha erst kürzlich für mich entdeckt, als es beim koreaner matchaeis gab. Seitdem geht es mir nicht mehr aus dem Kopf...
Uli Dec 10, 2017
Mmm, Matcha, mag ich sehr!
Deniz Dec 10, 2017
Many thanks for the recipe, just looks delicious! And magical photos, as always.
Best wishes. ✨
Lauren Dec 10, 2017
Since becoming pregnant five months ago, I've been looking for alternatives to coffee. I've been integrating more tea (mostly herbal) to my diet. However, matcha is somehow missing from my cabinet, despite being one of the few teas I really like. I would love an opportunity to try out the starter kit from Paper and Tea.
Lorena Chan Dec 10, 2017
Lovely! I am a fan of your work and matcha haha, would totally love to win this.
Thank for the recipe :)
Serenay Tosun Dec 10, 2017
I always love green tea and drink it almost every morning before the breakfast. Trying the matcha version from lovely Paper & Tea company will be so exciting for me ☕🌱🌱
Maria Eleni Kassi Dec 10, 2017
I would definitely try this recipe! Seems delicious! Also your photographs are unbelievable! Well done! :)
Lorena Dec 10, 2017
Your cake is beautiful girls! And that matcha set is beyond amazing, I’d love to have it!
Nathalie Dec 10, 2017
Such savoury greenshots!
In love with these creamy textures!
Hélène Té Dec 10, 2017
I love matcha and would be delighted to know how to prepare it myself. Thank you for the opportunity!
Steffi Dec 10, 2017
Das sieht besonders köstlich aus!
Xanthippi Paraschou Dec 10, 2017
Matcha is our late obsession and we are always interested in discovering new recipes and experience new tastes. So I guess winning this set would be an opportunity for both me and my daughter to share some recipes together during holidays.
Great job by the way love your recipes and blog.
Happy holidays!!!!
Mila Malinowska Dec 10, 2017
Thing is a stunning cake and such a clever idea! I've recently discovered matcha latte and it's now one of my favorite drinks. I love paper and tea ceramics and would be amazing to win one to indulge in this lovely ritual of matcha drinking every day.
Polina Dec 10, 2017
This pictures are amazing! I like this recipe so much! Thanks a lot!
Erle Dec 10, 2017
Love all things matcha! Especially this time of year, when a little extra kick is much needed. Thank you for another inspiring recipe.
Huy Dec 10, 2017
Just read the German portion even though I can’t read German! Hope I win! Need some new matcha!
Stella Dec 10, 2017
Matcha ‘ppreciated!
Georgia G Casas Dec 10, 2017
I’l in love with the kit, the ceramics and the pictures! Bravo! And of course I would love to win it 😊
Lena Dec 10, 2017
Oh, diese Farbe! Darf ich fragen, ob diese schöne Teekanne sauber ausgiesst? Bin gerne dabei, liebe Matscha!
Alessandra Dec 10, 2017
I stopped drinking coffee since I discovered a relleally good quality green tea, about 1 hear ago. And now I feel so much better! It's healthier, tastier and so versatile! I really don't know how could I live without it! :)
Cortney burns Dec 10, 2017
I can’t wait to make this for Christmas Day!
Trang Chau Dec 10, 2017
I love matcha! I always wanted to try a gluten-free matcha cake as one of my friends has an intelorance to gluten, your cake is perfect for my first try!
Thank you for sharing 💓
sistersjunction Dec 10, 2017
thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! i adore matcha, and your beautiful tart is on my to-do list!
Laura Dec 10, 2017
Thank you for your recipe!! I've been looking for an excuse to drink more matcha and this set would deffinitely be it!
Laurina van der Vlies Dec 10, 2017
The cake looks amazing! I’ve been looking for new tastes and healthy food ever more since I’m pregnant, and this looks like a great recipe! The matcha set is amazing. And since I’m not allowed cafeïne now (which is the worst) it would be great to try something new 😊
Nadja Dec 10, 2017
Eure Fotos sehen wieder einmal super aus! Und beim Anblick der Tarte bekomme ich richtig Hunger. Ich liebe Matcha und würde mich riesig über dieses Set freuen :)
Kama Dec 10, 2017
I love your work! Keep going 💪🏻
Greetings from Greece!
Christelle Smit Dec 10, 2017
Would be an absolute treat winning this and trying this amazing recipe over Christmas .
Sarah Dec 10, 2017
Wow this cake looks amazing to eat on the hot summer in Brasil! Perfect munchie after a whole day at the beach! And it “matcha” with the brazilian colors!
Patry from Sabores y Momentos Dec 10, 2017
Ohhh this tart looks incredible! All your photos are so beautiful and inspiring, thanks for such beautiful post with the whole visual story 😍
Would love to win this gorgeous tea set!!!❤️
Wanda Dec 10, 2017
That looks delicious!
Shiro Dec 10, 2017
Mein Freund und ich haben in den letzten Monaten unseren Vorrat aufgebraucht und wären überglücklich über einen Nachschub because we love it so matcha 🍵
Und den Kuchen versuchen wir auch zu backen! 😊
Fröhliche Vorweihnachtszeit 🎈
Adrienne Dec 10, 2017
I love the healthy ingredients!
Federico Brentaro Dec 11, 2017
I love matcha tea, I love your blog and I study Oriental Studies so I have to win this matcha starter kit!
Allison Goh Dec 11, 2017
This is absolutely beautiful! Have always been a huge fan of your work. Love your recipes and your styling work. I’m a stylist and i’m always on a lookout for beautiful wares and pieces. Also a huge matcha fan right here! Thanks for the amazing opportunity to be a part of this giveaway x
Maariyaah Dec 11, 2017
Absolutely love the recipie as well as the ritualistic aura about it. . I feel with this recipie, alongside others are ever so mindful; holding great weight to the importance of raw and natural endeavours and the importance of clarity.
Sandra Dec 11, 2017
As a matcha-addict, this recipe looks amazing just from what goes in it. The beautiful lighting and tone of the picture just makes everything perfect.. I always LOVED your work. Keep up the good work!
Diana Dec 11, 2017
Your photos are always so gorgeous, and the ones in this post are no different! I love matcha, and would love to try some from Paper and Tea!
Davena Dec 11, 2017
This tart is so beautiful! Perfect for my vegan friends who, like me, love matcha. Thank you!
Mikee Dec 11, 2017
Your styling and photography is always so on point! I would love to win the matcha starter kit so I can make what you made to my family as they're big fans of matcha! I love that the matcha is also refined sugar free and that the recipe is ideal for me as I can't have gluten, yeast, soy, corn and dairy on top of following a plant-based lifestyle<3
Patricia Phan Dec 11, 2017
I am a "matchaholic". No words can explain how I love matcha 🍵 . And I have never missed one of your photos or recipes before. I have tried a lot of times to make the food look exactly like yours but it turned out to be different. Love to see your blog every single day and also those wonderful pictures. Please keep posting them. Even if I am not the winner, I will always support you guys❤️🌹
Joanna Dec 11, 2017
I love matcha and I love matcha in baked goods. This gluten free and vegan tart looks and sounds absolutely delicious!
I would love to win the set. The ceramic cup is a beauty! Would want to drink matcha latte in it too!
Jia Huey Ho Dec 11, 2017
The recipe and your pictures look amazing! I would love to have the starter kit to get things started and will definitely try your recipe as my sister LOVES matcha. Thanks! :)
Kaya Dec 11, 2017
looks amazing! 🌿 thank you for the recipe! ...and this matcha set - Christmas dream.
Kara Obana Dec 11, 2017
Please please pick me! I love green tea and dessert so will make this pie as soon as I win:)
Seona Joung Dec 11, 2017
I have always liked Matcha but recently It has become my routine to read all the recipes of any Matcha desserts and food. My city lacks Matcha scene so i even started learn to bake and I am super excited to try this out!
I also love ceramics and this would be a great addition to my Matcha love!
Francesco Rieti Dec 11, 2017
Wonderful ceramics! And the tart looks amazing.
A fan from Rome
Anjana Devasahayam Dec 11, 2017
Matcha tart with a cashew crust sounds dreamy. I'd love to win this matcha set as well!
Gnny Tan Dec 11, 2017
Your insta posts always inspired me in many ways to make the nice decoration to snap or even how to make nice food ✨ I do love Matcha and thanks for the golden chance!🍵
Christina Dec 11, 2017
Would love to win this set. A perfect ritual to bring into 2018, to soothe and nourish. Fingers crossed. Thank you for all your inspiring content.
Rachelle H. Dec 11, 2017
I can't wait to try this recipe this Christmas! The photography is also exquisite. It makes this entire blog post beautiful! Thank you for these contests!
Katia Dec 11, 2017
Wonderful ceramics, will perfectly match my new kitchen💖
theresa Dec 11, 2017
Die tarte sieht super gut aus, ein Freund von mir schickte mir den link und sagte "Das ist etwas das du machen/essen wuerdest" und ich dachte mir so, ja, das stimmt! :) Ich wuerde liebend gerne das Set gewinnen und die tarte selbst ausprobieren und meine Mitbewohner begluecken, und guten Tee trinken, oder matcha lattes! Lecker!
Melissa Muller Dec 11, 2017
I just started getting into matcha and have fallen in love. Can’t wait to try such a unique matcha recipe. 💚
For all time matcha lovers like me and with tarts!! That's definitely a whoa for me, but with coconut yogurt that's new! The foods from ourfodstories is always exciting and worth trying!!
Michael Ong Dec 11, 2017
All your photos are stunning! I love seeing the Instagram Stories of the behind the scenes of your production and really appreciate all the work and creativity that went to your posts! Bravo!
Tra Nguyen Dec 11, 2017
I have never tried tart in vegan way before but your pictures were so so great that make me reconsider. The matcha color did brighten up everything. Cant wait to try this recipe!!! 😍
From a Vietnamese fan with love ♥️
Hannah Dec 11, 2017
What a lovely post for the season and the recipe sounds delicious. It’s so wonderful that food (and teas) can bring all different cultures together!
Lidok Dec 11, 2017
So delicious! Love your world - this atmosphere of joy, flavor and loveliness. One my friend give me a present from his Japan journey - green powder tea. And now i think: could it be matcha? If it is, i cake this gorgeous pie!
P.s.: my favourite of your recipes - it's pumpkin pie, very gentle, "nyam-nyam" :)
With best wishes, Lida from Russia
Flo Dec 11, 2017
I love the set. I'm planning on give them to my sister (who is a big fan of matcha) this Christmas if i win this. :)
I love your recipe as always. Thanks for sharing :)
Celina hartig Dec 11, 2017
Ich würde mich riesig über das Matcha Packet freuen. Ich denke der Kuchen würde sich super an Heilig Abend machen.
Ganz liebe Grüße
Rachelle Dec 11, 2017
Always such dreamy and gorgeous posts but perhaps now is the time to actually make it myself ;)
Bronwyn Dec 11, 2017
Beautiful shots as always! Loving the ceramics!
Cheow Zhi San Dec 11, 2017
I am a big fan of Matcha and I’m currently vegetarian,searching for all sorts of vegetarian/vegan Matcha delicasies!
I’m also a vegan wanna-be,hope that I could try this delicious vegan tart!Yum Yum
Henriette Larsen Dec 11, 2017
I love Matcha ❤️. I use i everything: smoothies, cakes and Matcha lattes.
Happy holidays🎄
Alicja Dec 11, 2017
I've never tried matcha, but I'd like to! This matcha starter kit looks like a good christmas gift ;)
Adel Dec 11, 2017
Thanks for the recipe, it looks amazing
Justina Cheng Dec 11, 2017
I'm such a big fan of matcha! Thank you for sharing this creative recipe. I'm looking forward to trying it out someday! Always loved your style and photos, they always cure me. ; )
Emeli Ericsson Dec 11, 2017
This looks stunning and delicious as always! I would love to win this matcha starter-kit as I am passionate about vegetarian cooking and baking raw cakes and sweets. Furthermore I love tea and would be happy to incorporate this healthy and beautiful tea into my morning routine so it's the perfect prize!
Samantha Seah Dec 11, 2017
I’ve always enjoyed the stylised food photos you guys post, it evokes a mood and feel beyond an ordinary flatlay. I’m also a huge matcha fan too, I down almost a cup (or more) a day (not sure if that is healthy, but it keeps me warm and snuggly)! Have been wanting to bake something related to matcha for the longest time, but always too scared to try it out, but maybe I shall now ;)
Samantha Seah Dec 11, 2017
I love matcha 🍵
Maria Dec 11, 2017
So beautiful, and the colours are my favorite! I would like to try this cake. Pictures looks so nicetly... 💙💚
Deborah Dec 11, 2017
Matcha coconut tart looks beautiful! Will be a great dessert for Christmas here in Australia. I only started drinking matcha this year... although I think I might be mildly sacrilegious, as I put mine in the blender to get the froth 😬
Dayang Dec 11, 2017
The matcha tart looks simply divine! I've been trying to get my family to enjoy matcha as both a drink or in desserts but it somehow hasn't been a successful feat (even matcha flavoured ice cream hasn't worked). Seeing as this matcha set changed your perception towards matcha, I think I've definitely got to look into this brand and get my family to try it, thank you for letting us know about it! The recipe is definitely going to be on my list of next dessert making attempts too!
Irina Dec 11, 2017
Perfect post for a monday i feel a bit more warm :).
Christine Dec 11, 2017
ahh! finally matcha recipe, hope for more to come. very beautiful as always. ever since i had tea ceremony when i was visiting Japan, i think i love matcha a little too much, something about matcha is very soothing.
Antonia_Amelie Dec 11, 2017
Eure foodstories sind für mich immer wieder inspirierend.Mit so viel Liebe zum Detail und Feingefühl schafft ihr es den Geschmack eines Werkes so darzustellen, dass all meine Sinne schon durch eure Fotos stimuliert werden. Und das so authentisch!
Die Kombination von Matcha, Kokos und Thaibasil finde ich sehr spannend . Ich würde sehr gerne mit eurem MatchaKit eure Tarte zu versuchen, um dieses Glück mit meinen Freunden zu teilen.
Barbara D'Osualdo Dec 11, 2017
Love matcha! I wanna try this recipe soon. Also your pictures are always so lovely.
Mari Robinson Dec 11, 2017
It looks so tasty!
Nina Dec 11, 2017
Ich verfolge Eure Beiträge schon seit einiger Zeit und finde, neben den leckeren Rezepten, vor allem eure Ästhetik (Bilder und Texte) wunderschön. Gleichzeitig liebe ich Paper & Tea. Es würde mich deshalb sehr freuen das Matcha Kit zu gewinnen.
Liebste Grüße
Mariya De Vua Dec 11, 2017
A very intriguing recipe. Will definitely try it out the soonest. And, as always, astonishing photos accompanying the pie.
A ten Hove Dec 11, 2017
I Love to watch your beautiful foto's on Instagram. Love the beautiful food you make. Please continue.
A ten Hove Dec 11, 2017
I Love to watch your beautiful foto's on Instagram. Love the beautiful food you make. Please continue.
Mette Erichsen Dec 11, 2017
I love your pictures and I would love to win this set!
Kind Regards Mette
Ece Dec 11, 2017
This is the recipe I’m looking for gluten-free and vegan 🙏🏻 The starter kit is also a catch beauty if that matcha cup 😍
Pei Ji Dec 11, 2017
The Matcha starter kit looks beautiful!
Anki Dec 11, 2017
Damit könnte ich Matcha ebenfalls eine neue Chance geben.
Catalina Dec 11, 2017
would love to have this kit for sure! Thank you for the opportunity! And I will try this tart for sure, beautiful and healthy, thank you!
Jen B Dec 11, 2017
Matcha is one of my favorite things! One of my best discoveries for myself this year.
Daniela C Dec 11, 2017
My husband and I just bought a tart pan. We love to bake together, we love matcha, we love healthy recipes, so this tart is the best one to start to use it with.
Maria Dec 11, 2017
I would love to have that matcha set! I have lived in Japan for 6 months and I fell in love with matcha!
marilia lirio Dec 11, 2017
Nice to get to know this blog! I love matcha and paper&tea, so fingers crossed :)
Elizabeth Miller Dec 11, 2017
Wow! I had to rush over here from your facebook page when I saw you post a picture of this. I love all things matcha, and I cannot wait to try this recipe! I think I may need to get some better quality matcha first though. I've been buying my matcha from the bulk spice section at my local grocery because it is affordable and easy to get, but it is a bit dull and I think this tart (and I) deserve better!
Bettina Dec 11, 2017
Love matcha! And your beautiful photos! They make me wanna try it out right away! Thanks to your tableware, I added another point to my imaginary Christmas wish list 📃 😍
Have a good week! Bettina
Paulina Kiekenbeck Dec 11, 2017
Ein wunderbares Weihnachtsgeschenk, über das ich mich ganz schrecklich freuen würde. Ihr macht so schöne Sachen, weiter so! 💪🏼
Freya Dominowski Dec 11, 2017
Ich liebe Matcha Latte am liebsten mit Mandelmilch. 😍 Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen. Dir Tarte werde ich direkt am Wochenende testen. Klingt einfach soooo gut 😋
Callie Dec 11, 2017
This is such a special and beautiful post! Grounded, rich, warm, and nourishing!!
Alexandra Dec 11, 2017
Ich bin seit einem Jahr auch großer Matcha-Fan und würde mich sehr freuen, mit dem Set meine Technik noch weiter zu verbessern!
Sarah Dec 11, 2017
Ich muss diese Tart nachbacken!
Die Tees von P&T sind einfach so lecker. Freue mich, dass du nun zu Matcha „gefunden“ hast, liebe Laura 💚
Malin Dec 11, 2017
So beautiful post! I Have to try it! Have a lovely evening/Malin or Homebymrsskyman from Sweden 😘
Liz Dec 11, 2017
Looks so good! Would never have thought to put matcha with coconut and dates! And the tea set is beautiful :)
Grace Dec 11, 2017
As always, the photos and styling are so beautiful!
Monica Dec 11, 2017
Oh my goodness, when I saw the title I thought it was too good to be true. Matcha and coconut?! It’s genius! I am going to try this recipe for sure as I loooovvveee matcha and crazy about coconut as well!
I was in Berlin this weekend with my husband for a short escape from our busy schedule at our home country and I spotted the matcha set there at the P&T store in Mitte. The set is gorgeous! Would definitely love it to have it for Christmas and I can’t wait to try it!
Martina Dec 11, 2017
I am new to matcha and just got my first from a trip to Budapest, but I bet the Paper and tea one is superior and you too make it look very good <3 love your blog!
Viola von Gehlen Dec 11, 2017
Danke für eure tollen Inspirationen und Rezepte! Grüße aus dem Süden Deutschlands und eine schöne Adventszeit!!
Simone Dec 11, 2017
Ohhh wie wunderschön. Da geht mir mein Matcha Herz auf ❤️ wundervolle Bilder und ein traumhaftes Rezept. Wie wahnsinnig gerne würde ich euer Set gewinnen ❤️❤️❤️
Jenni Dec 11, 2017
Oh, was für umwerfende Fotos mal wieder - ich bin regelmäßig hin und weg, aber wenn das hier nicht "Hygge" schreit, dann weiß ich es auch nicht.
Fan von großartiger Keramik bin ich außerdem, daher ganz lieben Dank für die schöne Empfehlung! :)
(Und außerdem für die Gewinn-Chance - ich liebe Matcha und würde mich wahnsinnig über das Set freuen.)
Liebe Grüße
Marina Dec 11, 2017
Oh mein Gott, die Tarte ist der Hammer!
Ich liebe Matcha in allen Variationen und Kokos sowieso.
Ich würde mich riesig freuen!
Habt eine schöne Weihnachtszeit
Kim DeSoto Dec 11, 2017
Woops! Was trying to say I love all things matcha! This sounds wonderful
Erna Vala Dec 11, 2017
I’m starting to be drinking matcha every morning instead of coffee and it feels so great! Would love to have a realy good matcha kit and good quality powder. This matcha coconut tart looks amazing, thinking about making it this week!
Also I love your photos and styling.
Maria Sfetsou Dec 11, 2017
Gorgeous gift set. Love my 🍵
Jane Choe Dec 11, 2017
Wow matcha dessert is my favorite dessert as it balances out the sweetness. Can’t wait to try this recipe.
Amy Dec 11, 2017
Woah the cake looks beautiful! I'm absolutely a matcha fan, would definitely be keen to try this recipe :) thanks for sharing!
Alex Dec 11, 2017
So wundervoll ♥️
Caroline Dec 11, 2017
Such beautiful pictures! And Matcha, have never tried it and would so love too!
Khristine Dec 11, 2017
Absolutely stunning♡ This is definitely"food art". I can't wait to try the recipe!
Stiina Dec 11, 2017
The cake looks amazing, definitely need to try this out! I love it how sweets can be packed with healthy goodness! <3
Bine Dec 11, 2017
Lecker :) darüber würde ich mich sehr freuen!
Floratcha Dec 11, 2017
Vielen Dank für das Rezept, die wunderschönen Fotos und die kleinen Einblick in euren Tag. Da ich ein großer Matcha-Fan, war dieser Artikel was ganz besonderes für mich. Herzlichen Dank.
Lorenza Dec 11, 2017
Lovely! I can't wait to try this, I love macha sweets and it looks so creamy!
Alexandra (@alexcrumb) Dec 11, 2017
Beautiful tart, you two! To me, matcha is evergreen poetry, and part of my heritage. It is refreshing rusticity, a newly-mown field, spring in the winter.
Daniela Dec 12, 2017
Love Matcha! Your photos are amazing, and the tart looks delicious.
Ivana Dec 12, 2017
Omg amazing recipe and ceramics ♥️
Johanna Dec 12, 2017
The cake looks so delicious!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe, can't wait to try it out. Also, love love love your blog, keep up the good work!
Sille Dec 12, 2017
Beautiful set up! The cake looks so delicious. I will definitely try out the recipe around Christmas time. It’ll give fresh and colorful touch for the table. I really like how this matcha bowl texture lines makes harmonious combination with the surface of that cake!
I love Matcha and Paper & Tea ;)
Sinikka Harms Dec 12, 2017
Oh das sieht ja toll aus Mädels. yummy. Total schoene Bilder mal wieder!!! Glg, Sini
Felicia Dec 12, 2017
I discovered my love for matcha when I was living in Hong Kong, and since then I've been obsessed! Would love to win this Matcha Starting Kit, and I most definitely have to try making this delicious-looking tart. Love the cozy setting too!
Oriana Dec 12, 2017
choose me choose me!!! I am a big fan of matcha and tea lover!!!:D
Sarah Dec 12, 2017
Splendid! I would totally try making mochi as well with this lovely matcha mix :) And making desserts seems less tricky now.
Legrand Dec 12, 2017
Ooooh it's so cool! It's a perfecg gift for my best friend, she can give me recipes 🤣
Na Dec 12, 2017
This is awesome, you reminded me to start adding matches to my routine! I think I'll add it to my morning drinks routine, currently consisting of 3 drinks: 1. warm lemon drink with some fresh ginger and a bit of honey (sometimes even manuka honey!!). 2. Warm turmeric drink (just warm/hot water and a tsp turmeric), 3. Three seeds drink (water, chia seeds, and I need to look up what the other 2 seeds are called and if they're available in Europe!), 4. The 4th morning drink will be a matcha drink!!
Corinne Dec 12, 2017
I‘m not a big fan of matcha yet either. But I‘d really love to try again! This startet kit would provide the perfect opportunity to do so and since I‘m trying to cut back on coffee this couldn‘t come at a better time 🍵
Alexandra Dec 12, 2017
I would really love that matcha set! I'm currently obsessed with Oatlys matcha latte, and it would be amazing to be able to do my own.
Jasmin Dec 12, 2017
Ich bin noch ein Neuling in der Zubereitung mit Matcha, aber die Tarte sieht echt lecker aus, muss ich mal ausprobieren ;-) sowas ähnliches hab ich mal Mit nem Veganen Lemon Curd gemacht.
Kirsten Dec 12, 2017
Wie schön! Eure Beiträge sehen immer so toll aus, da bekommt man sofort Lust alles auszuprobieren. Deshalb würde ich mich auch sehr über das Set freuen! Liebe Grüße
India L Dec 12, 2017
My sons and I adore matcha & this lovely oks like just the recipe for us to make together for our Christmas Eve dinner dessert. Thanks for the inspiration! 🌱🧘🏽♀️
Sarmishta Dec 12, 2017
This looks so heavenly! So much beauty, how do you do it? Also the matcha starter kit, I'd love to try it out myself!
Aishath Nashida Dec 12, 2017
Such a lovely tart! I love matcha, and hope to create more recipes with it!
Thank you!
Kimberly Dec 13, 2017
So beautiful!
Marije Pasman Dec 13, 2017
Ohhhhh I Love your photo’s and I gona try this. And I’m in love with the magical green matcha color!
Kris Sisante Dec 13, 2017
Been a matcha lover ever since and Oh how I wish to have this Matcha kit!!! 🙏#imamuchomuchomatchafan!!!
Svetlana M. Dec 13, 2017
Love your work, ladies! And your photos emit so much love and good energy ;)
Never tried matcha...I would love to win this kit!
Jessica Sunny Dec 13, 2017
This matcha bowl is beautiful! I drink matcha daily (using a mug and fork) and have been on the look out for a proper set up! This set is perfect, and I'd be honored to be picked as a winner-- but will be making that ridiculously delish looking dessert regardless :)
Marion Agbejule Dec 13, 2017
Wow looks delicious
Bianca Dec 14, 2017
Das würde mir mein Weihnachten versüßen! :) Danke für das tolle Rezept.
Priss Dec 14, 2017
That recipe looks amazing! Also, I'd love to try the matcha set, matcha lattes are among my favourite drinks. :)
Katharina Dec 14, 2017
Mmmmhhh, die probiere ich aus!
Danke für das tolle Rezept!
Über das P&T Matcha-Starter-Set würde ich mich natürlich auch freuen, ich würde es meinem Mann schenken, er ist ein sehr großer Matcha und Grüntee Liebhaber. :-)
Luna Dec 14, 2017
Was für ein wunderbarer grüner Farbtupfer im nasskalten Grau des Winters ... Merci!
Chiara Dec 14, 2017
I'm a real tea lover and winning this giveaway, well, would be the best present for me this Christmas... so I'll keep my fingers crossed! And thanks for the beauty that you bring with your job :) ciao!
Cristina Dec 14, 2017
Beloved Laura & Nora,
first, congratulations for the blog. I have been following it since I cannot tell when and it just gets better. The styling, the photography, every little tweak in the layout... But over all, the recipes. Thank for these years and those to come.
On to the giveaway. Crossing-my-fingers-right-now. I love Matcha tea and Paper&Tea it’s the store I would love to spend a fortune in if I wouldn’t be in a student budget 😅. So, crossing-my-fingers-harder.
Lots of love and keep the good job!
Miki Dec 14, 2017
I can’t wait to try this :)
Your blog is amazing, full of inspiration, thanks for your posts! Keep ‘em coming :)
Silvy Dec 14, 2017
I think I visited your blog 10 times today. Just to stare at these beautifull pictures.. love the pie - I'm so gonna make it this weekend! :) I'm curious about the matcha you wrote about.
Keep up the amazing work!
Sara Dec 15, 2017
Wow, this tart looks so beautiful! The recipe is so perfect for the vegan members of my family 🌼 I’m excited to try it. Happy holidays!
Daniela Dec 15, 2017
Das Rezept klingt schon vielversprechend. Muss ich unbedingt mal ausprobieren. Natürlich zusammen mit dem Tee von Paper&Tea.
Janne Kvam Dec 15, 2017
What a beautiful photo shoot! The matcha tea and the food looks so delicious. I haven’t got the chance to taste those pure matchas yet! And it’s a shame, because I have wanted to try it for so many years. Xx
Nikki Dec 15, 2017
I want to improve my baking skills, this matcha should make it extra fun!
Sylwia Jan 05, 2018
Thank you for sharing. Thats the best matcha vegan cake Isaw till now👏😉 definitly gonna try to make it
matchaplace Apr 21, 2018
Beautiful and i like it
Jany Mar 25, 2019
Good day dears! I admire your work! Awesome talant to see and convey beauty. It is fascinating ... And I will definitely make this wonderful cake 🍵
audra brady Mar 28, 2019
The tart looks delicious :) I’ve only had matcha lattes, but they’re one of the only things I’ve been craving during my pregnancy.
Susan Mar 29, 2019
That looks so beautiful and delicious. Thank you for the reciepe I am definitely going to make it.
Oxana Feb 08, 2020
I have recently turned into a gluten-free person! And I am a huge matcha tee lover! So, this cake is exactly for me! Will try preparing it asap 💚🌱🍵
Arwana Apr 05, 2020
Hii, thank you for this amazing recipe, I love matcha so much and am always looking for new recipes 😍😍 plus I love your pictures and the atmosphere traveling through. I wondered how many grams does 1 tbsp matcha weights please?
Our food stories - Apr 07, 2020
Thanks so much for the sweet words <3 We don't know the exact measurements, so just take a table spoon :)
REBECCA Feb 17, 2021
hi can i subsitute anything for the agar agar?
Our food stories - Feb 18, 2021
Hi Rebecca, you can of course also use regular gelatin but then you have to follow the instructions of the gelatin package :) Best wishes